26th July, 2015
Saket, New Delhi
Continuity at first might appear to be really fascinating, be it anything. Wow, no gaps, no pauses and no halts and just going on and on without ever stopping. Coming to speaking, we would like to keep speaking; Coming to relationships, we would like to keep conversing, being in touch without a single moment of delink; Coming to work, we might get so obsessed that we would just like to keep working day in day out (probably to some of us that is the definition of sincerity) and similarly coming to anything 'pause' is the last thing we'd like to have. But the question we need to ask is 'Is having pauses really so pathetic?'. Well, the answer to this question is a big NO. Let's figure out its relevance down the article.
Imagine you were about to read this write up and suddenly you found that nowhere two words have any gap in between them and were just written by me without using the space bar even for one single time. What would your response to such a messed up thing be? You would probably take no time closing it, because you don't find yourself able of reading even a single bit of it. Isn't it? What makes you able to read what has been written is the gap between the words. Yes! the gaps, the pauses, the halts make my words meaningful. And so it goes with the rest of the things as well. A bouncing ball would fail to go up again if it never came down and infact the greater the force with which it comes down and strikes the floor, the higher it goes. Think of a catapult, the greater you pull it back, the farther the stone you put in it goes.
Pauses are not the indications of a downfall but that of a higher rise. Pauses help you relax in the realms of no-activity where you happen to get a chance to rejuvenate yourselves. It prepares you for the activity by freshening up your mind, providing you with the clarity of your direction, its purpose and helps you plan better. It's in silence (here no-activity) that you allow the old to degenerate and fresh ideas to be born. When you consciously drop an activity one hundred percent, take a pause, the subconscious mind takes over and is at work. And you are most likely to find out better ways of doing what you were doing towards the end of this pause period because the subconscious mind works much better and creatively than your conscious one.
Talking of relationships, a pause helps you understanding the depth of your connection with the other person. The pause, the separation in a relationship is a cleansing force - a fire which burns away all the dross, leaving behind only the fresh air for the connection to breathe in. We stay in a relationship, talking, conversing, complaining, arguing, proving our point day in day out but never think of taking a break, a pause. When you do so, trust me you won't need to do anything. The pause in itself is strong enough to clear away all the misunderstandings. The misconception is DOING helps but the truth is, in most of the cases NOT DOING ANYTHING AND TAKING A PAUSE does. It's very easy to mis-take this point but when taken in a right way and applied in a wise way, it does wonders. Separation (the pause) in a relationship is in itself a vast topic to talk about which I ll pick up in some other article of mine, but here what alone would make sense is that it doesn't weaken but strengthen your relationship.
We are so fond of speaking and chattering all the time but when asked 'Can you remain quiet i.e. without a word , or even an action for that sake, for few hours?' That simply pulls the floor under your feet. Silence, be it not speaking and being with self or being in the no-activity phase, actually scares us. But the secret is that silence is the mother of creativity and all the talents, but only if given a chance. Silence is a date with yourself, Silence is the realization that nothing how important is capable of threatening your existence, Silence is a way to discover new meaning to what you are into and figuring out if at all you should be into it or not and silence is giving yourself a chance to grow more than you have grown so far. Nature has devised ways to push you from activity to no-activity by an alternate system of day and night but today I see a number of intelligent people challenging the same. The consequences are going to be terrible, Beware!
Embrace Pauses, Embrace silence... Trust me it will only help you. Learn to stop for a while or else you'll be stopped by nature long before you were supposed to. Choice is yours.
'What is this life full of care, we have no time to stand and stare...'. So do stand and stare at the beauty around you and at the beauty you are.
Questions are most welcome.
With Love and Best Wishes