Taking Ownership & Giving Thanks

Taking Ownership & Giving Thanks

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

This week is the start of Gratitude Week, and a season of reflection -- looking back at 2019 and remembering the people, places, things, occurrences, and providence that impacted me deeply.

First, I want to break Thanksgiving into two words:

Thanks - noun

Usually thanks. a grateful feeling or acknowledgment of a benefit, favor, or the like, expressed by words or otherwise.

Giving - verb (used without object), gave, giv·en, giv·ing.

to make a gift or gifts; contribute

The way that I am interpreting the definition here is that expressing gratitude is a gift to yourself and to others.

This year has been one of the most transformative of my entire life, and I want to take a moment to thank everyone:

1.) Taylor Decker

2.) John Reed

3.) Mark Thimmig

4.) Marvin Azzopardi

5.) Peter Polydor

6.) Rohan Kumar-

7.) Justin McKibben -

8.) Dalip Jaggi -

9.) Brian Walsh -

10.) Mikhail Alfon -

11.) Grant Van Cleve -

12.) Todd Banhidy -

13.) Tony Robbins -

14.) Coach Steve Pfrenzinger -

15.) Keith Flitner -

16.) David Meltzer -

17.) Ash Kumra -

18.) Steve Case -

19.) Robert Kiyosaki -

20.) Pastor Rick Warren -

21.) Walmer Landaverde -

22.) Michael Stancato -

23.) Linda Elizabeth Hart -

24.) Kevin Bikhazi -

25.) Caleb Anderson -

26.) Ryan Foland -

To name a few.


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