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The taking over mindset, is a corrupt restless mind waiting for calamity of crisis ahead!
Don’t be scared if you taking over what truly belong to you what is truly entitled in your name, however for those who have the mindset of taking over what does not belong to you or what is not entitled in your name you may need to reconsider your decision, I like how Robert T. Kiyosaki summarized these in order words you can make money by several many ways, if you make money by stealing at the end you are a thief, if you make money by robbery at the end you are an arm robber, if you make money by fraud you are fraud star, if you make money by investing you are an investor , if you make money by doing business at the end you a businessman the same applies to the spirit realms if you get blessed by stealing/taking by force others blessing at the end it is still a stolen blessing, if you get blessed by taking by force others mantle at the end it is still a stolen mantle and not yours.
The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and by violence it is taken by force, seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all other thing shall be added unto you from these two bible verses the key underline word is kingdom of heaven the only thing that can be taken by force with violence is the kingdom of GOD not blessing, mantle, finance, marriage, job, business or any other thing.
Participation in the fight for the kingdom of GOD to be taken by force is what open doors to all other blessings it is mistake, spiritual foolishness for anyone to fight for mantle or blessing! Also the bible clearly state my people perish because they lack understanding not blessing or mantle but understanding. one thing that set Esau apart from Jacob was the understanding of hard work a man who is diligently hardworking will surely get the blessing of multiplication, blessing without hard work is nothing but foolishness and poverty. Jacob even after stealing his brother blessing did not get blessed overnight he labored work hard to actually get blessed as a matter of fact the account of his life and his children does not really sound like a like blessed man, the bible made us to understand that the blessing of GOD makes rich and added no sorrows Jacob and the children of Israelite's were blessed no doubt about that but they had many sorrows and pain all because of stolen blessing,
Their sorrows and pain includes but not limited to these:
? Jacob labored for Rachel but was given Leah he has to labour again for Rachel, Rachel womb was shut for many years she bore Joseph and Benjamin and died during labour
? When Jacob was to meet face to face with his brother Esau he bow before his brother seven times called him my lord and call himself your servant what more he got all his family servant housemaid to bow before his brother (this is not a sign of been blessing)
? The children of Israelite sold their destiny into slavery hence they all ended up in Egypt for many years
The truth of the matter is that GOD said Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated even if he had not stolen his brother blessing he will still be blessed, the actual blessing working in the life if Jacob was not the stolen blessing but the blessing GOD promised his father’s Abraham, and Isaac and not the blessing he stole from his brother one bible scholar describes Jacob situation as a stolen blessing working like a curse if not the fact GOD himself choose him his must have been forgotten by now.
Stolen blessing bring about contention, rivalry and confusion, that was what lead the children of Israelite's to sell their brother Joseph into slavery which eventually transpose into their slavery in Egypt, the truth is that GOD has chosen Joseph among his brother to rule over them whether they sell him or not whether they like him or not, Egypt should have been the nation buying grains from the children of Israelite's in Canaan because that was supposed to be the land flowing with milk and honey but due to their contention and lack of respect for Joseph the one GOD choose they sold him for pieces of silver that couldn't last them one month ( may we and our children not make the mistake of selling of our destiny for pieces of silver that will not last a day)
If they have not sold Joseph into slavery he would have seen what is to happen and would have made provision for the storage of grains for the famine to come in Canaan and the Egyptian and the rest of the world at that time would have to come to them to buy grains. To steal or take blessing mantle by force is contention, rivalry and confusion otherwise spiritual foolishness and it only bear fruit of rivalry confusion, contention.
Patience, trust and hard work is the key to blessing.