Taking out the trash
Why do we take out the trash? Because we don't want it in our homes. Trash adds to the clutter but it also caries with it an order and eventually sickness. So we take it out. So why do we often fail to take out our emotional trash?
Honestly we tend to hold grudges, focus on worries and even make up situations just so we can fret about them. Why? These emotions are just trash. Yes all emotions have a place and some value as each lets us know how we are handling the current situation. But we do not need to hold onto them. Worries remind us that something is creating low level fear in our lives so we must react to it. But just like the low oil sign in our car we act on the input. Grudges have no benefit in our lives. Honestly if we have learned that someone is not trustworthy don't trust them but holding a grudge simply adds trash to our already full lives.
Now as to the “make up situations aspect” of our lives, yes we do need to look at possibilities but again let's be honest most of these additional situations are not a real probability and if they do indeed come about then we deal with them. But just stressing over them simply because we thought of them is again adding trash to our lives.
Take out the trash, let yourself let go of that which simply adds frustration to your life. If you are holding a grudge, forgive and move forward. The pain you are adding to your life is helping you how? You realize you are not hurting them in any way, right? I did not say trust them I am simply saying don't hold onto the pain. We all worry, but ponder the issue then move on. That which you can do something about act on it. If there is nothing you can do about the situation, then relax worry only prevents you for acting accurately in the future.
You are the only you you have. Treat yourself well. Take out the trash. Love people but don't let them control your life through adding trash. Love yourself but don't add frustrations by making up situations that have a very low probability of even existing. (and by very low probability I mean most.)
Do yourself a favor and remember to regularly take out the trash, your worth the effort.