Taking notes improves memory. Make use of handwritten notes for enhanced retention.
Susan Ibitz
??Working on the humans that grow your business | High-performance Human Behavior training- I teach corporations & employees how to hack into humans using Behavior & Persuasion |Behavior Economics
I don't know if you know, but almost 85% of people are visual. This means they have stimulus by seeing.
People who are visual need to see; they listen with their eyes. YES, you read it right.
If you are giving a presentation the colors of the slides, the fonts, and the coordination of colors affect the outcome.
When you send a proposal to a client, add colors and graphics.
That people are visual is great, but like everything, it has a warning: too much visual stimulus can overwhelm people and make them not pay attention to what you are saying or doing.
If you meet with someone who is visual, make sure they’re facing the less busy corner.
Face Reading Profiling used by AA, P&G, GAP, and others allows you really fast to find out if a person is visual- small ears, now if they are high too, be careful this person is flying faster than usual. Learn some Face Reading Profiling in our E-BOOK [link]?
The first thing I teach people in Face Reading Profiling classes is what to do with a small ears person- “MAKE THEM TAKE NOTES, IT’S THE ONLY WAY THEY’RE GOING TO REMEMBER”.
Well, thanks to UCLA and sciences, they have proved me right [happy dance].
The study summary about taking notes by hand
………..”Taking notes on laptops rather than in longhand is increasingly common. Many researchers have suggested that laptop note taking is less effective than longhand note taking for learning. Prior studies have primarily focused on students’ capacity for multitasking and distraction when using laptops. The present research suggests that even when laptops are used solely to take notes, they may still be impairing learning because their use results in shallower processing. In three studies, we found that students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took notes longhand. We show that whereas taking more notes can be beneficial, laptop note takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words is detrimental to learning………”
The science behind taking notes
Research shows that taking notes by hand is better than taking notes on a laptop for remembering conceptual information over the long term. The findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Few studies have examined how effective laptops are for students who diligently take notes.
The use of laptops can be harming academic performance,? says psychological scientist Pam Mueller of Princeton University, lead author of the study.
Mueller was inspired to research after moving from laptop to pen and paper as a graduate teaching assistant:
Mueller, who worked with psychology researcher Daniel Oppenheimer, says, “I felt like I’d gotten so much more out of the lecture that day.” Danny said that he had a similar experience at a faculty meeting: He was taking notes on his computer and glanced up and realised he had no clue what the guy was talking about.”
The study
Oppenheimer, who is now at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, and Mueller did a number of studies to see if what they thought about taking notes on a laptop and by hand was true.
In the first research, 65 college students attended one of five TED Talks on fascinating but unknown subjects. Students attended the speeches in small groups with computers (disconnected from Internet) or notebooks and were urged to take notes as usual.
Students next did 3 distractor activities, including a working memory test. After watching the lecture, they had to answer factual-recall questions (e.g., “Approximately how many years ago did the Indus civilization exist?”) and conceptual-application questions (e.g., “How do Japan and Sweden differ in their approaches to equality within their societies?”) 30 minutes later.
Laptop note-takers fared lower on conceptual problems than they did on fact-recall questions.
Laptop notes had more words and more lecture verbatim than handwritten notes. Students who took more notes fared better, but so did those with less verbatim overlap, showing that “mindless transcription” negates the advantage of greater material.
The studies suggest that longhand note takers process more than laptop note takers, choosing more significant material to include in their notes and studying it more effectively.
When given time to examine their notes before the recall test, longhand note takers still outperformed laptop note takers one week later. Verbatim overlap again hampered conceptual performance.
Either because you want to exercise your brain, do better remembering or just test the study, it is good to try new things. Not all the new tech is helping us.
And BTW if you want the person you are with to remember the conversation, make them take notes!!!
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Working on the humans that grow your business | Human Behavior Expert, I teach corporations & employees how to hack into humans using Behavior & Persuasion. I work with Pharma | Finances| Banking |Insurance| Sales| AI - Language & Behavior Prompt Engineering