Taking the next step with Paul
Life & Business Strategist Coaching for the Humble, Hungry + Driven
After a few months of working with Paul and helping him solve his immediate problems, we're finally ready to move forward.
Our whole journey up to this point has been preparing Paul for this moment, when he will begin creating the strategies that will grow his business. We've dealt with the things holding him back and now, with his vision and mission statements finished, we have a foundation we can build on. That means he knows where he wants to go, how he plans on getting there and what his ideal client looks like.
That last one is more important than most people know.
The importance of your ideal client
I can teach anyone to get more clients for their business, but without knowing which clients you want, it doesn't help. What happens when you put that cart before the horse is you have plenty of work that is simply taking you in circles. Because of that you'll be putting in hours on evenings and weekends trying to please clients who don't care about you, your goals, or your skills. They will eat up your time and your energy until you start to wonder if any of this is actually worth it.
However, if you start at the beginning by defining what is best for you and your business, then you can hone in on that ideal client.
It's only after that happens that you will find real value in a system that guides you through the conversion process.
Taking control of your prospecting calls
Recently, Paul was talking to me about a call he got from a potential client that had found him online. This, for Paul, was a victory. However, a few minutes into the call everything went sideways.
Paul didn't fully understand what the prospective client wanted, what their expectations were or if this prospect matched his ideal client. Unfortunately, that call didn't lead anywhere, and Paul never heard from them again.
As much as a failure like that hurts, it's something of a gift. Now, Paul knows where his weaknesses are with regards to his funnel. By reverse-engineering the call, he can learn exactly where his weaknesses are and create a plan to overcome them. Together, we walked through the call and created a list of things he could create to make his web presence more effective at controlling the conversation. This way, Paul is able to ensure he can properly communicate and sell his skills so that he not only finds his ideal customer but also sets up projects he knows he can excel at.
The first step towards success
I am very excited about the next couple of months with Paul. As we work on his prospecting processes, I'm utterly convinced that he will be able to build his business quickly and sustainably, allowing him to gain control and start living the life he wants.
And that's the most exciting part of my job.