Taking a 'Life-Course' Approach to Mental Health
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What is a ‘Life Course’ approach to mental health?
The life-course approach examines the influence of social, biological, genetic, psychological and other factors on wellbeing from the embryonic stage until death and across generations. This approach offers a way of linking early life factors to wellbeing and illness outcomes in subsequent development stages. Research shows that negative exposures including illness, difficult living environments and risk-taking behaviour can gradually accumulate over time leading to later mental illness[1][2]. Therefore, the mental health outcomes at each life stage are influenced by the interaction of risk and protective factors operating at the previous stage. For example, an adult who is at a genetic risk of developing depression, may draw on the coping tools acquired as a young adult to help improve their mood for example, by opting to engage with friends when they begin to feel overwhelmed.
Developing a Life Course Model of Health:
A life-course framework to health implies that health care strategies should expand beyond ‘reactive’ interventions, targeting only psychopathology and at-risk groups, and towards population-wide health promotion interventions. According to this framework, individual health trajectories can be most effectively influenced by addressing the biological, emotional, cognitive, and environmental determinants, especially in childhood and adolescence. This requires integrated health and social welfare systems, among other sectors, with adequate local governance and international leadership and collaborations for delivering this holistic approach. To combat the effects of early-life negative events, health researchers have called for the development of policies to provide effective care for different age groups. These policies employ the life-course approach, which highlights the need for early interventions and evidence-based care, such as school-based interventions and perinatal mental health programmes[4][5].
Example Life Course Framework: Halfon and Hochstein (2002)[6].
This framework incorporates factors which have influence over an individual’s physical and mental health across the lifespan. They include:
[1] Schilling, E. A., Aseltine, R. H., & Gore, S. (2008). The impact of cumulative childhood adversity on young adult mental health: Measures, models, and interpretations.?Social science & medicine,?66(5), 1140-1151.
[2] Myers, H. F., Wyatt, G. E., Ullman, J. B., Loeb, T. B., Chin, D., Prause, N., ... & Liu, H. (2015). Cumulative burden of lifetime adversities: Trauma and mental health in low-SES African Americans and Latino/as.?Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy,?7(3), 243.
[3] Hardy, T., & Mann, D. A. (2016). Epigenetics in liver disease: from biology to therapeutics.?Gut,?65(11), 1895-1905.
[4] Hoagwood, K. E., Serene Olin, S., Kerker, B. D., Kratochwill, T. R., Crowe, M., & Saka, N. (2007). Empirically based school interventions targeted at academic and mental health functioning.?Journal of emotional and behavioral disorders,?15(2), 66-92.
[5] Lavender, T. J., Ebert, L., & Jones, D. (2016). An evaluation of perinatal mental health interventions: An integrative literature review.?Women and Birth,?29(5), 399-406.
[6] Halfon, N., & Hochstein, M. (2002). Life course health development: an integrated framework for developing health, policy, and research.?The Milbank Quarterly,?80(3), 433-479.
[7] Lazarus, L., Chettiar, J., Deering, K., Nabess, R., & Shannon, K. (2011). Risky health environments: women sex workers’ struggles to find safe, secure and non-exploitative housing in Canada’s poorest postal code.?Social Science & Medicine,?73(11), 1600-1607.
[8] Bethell, C. D., Garner, A. S., Gombojav, N., Blackwell, C., Heller, L., & Mendelson, T. (2022). Social and relational health risks and common mental health problems among US children: The mitigating role of family resilience and connection to promote positive socioemotional and school-related outcomes.?Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics,?31(1), 45-70.
[9] Lee-Tauler, S. Y., Eun, J., Corbett, D., & Collins, P. Y. (2018). A systematic review of interventions to improve initiation of mental health care among racial-ethnic minority groups.?Psychiatric services,?69(6), 628-647.