Taking Life As It Comes
Imagine you are a warrior in battle.
You have a shield and a sword at your disposal.
When you inevitably find yourself in an altercation with another warrior, you decide to use only your shield and you hold it directly against your body, passively defending every attack.
As the other warrior swings his sword at you, your shield prevents you from being cut, but because it is held directly against your body, you receive the full impact of every strike.
With the force of every blow, you are being beaten down and eventually you crumble under the pressure of the attacks.
In spite of your defensiveness, your passivity, has been your demise.
This is what it is like to live without intention and to simply let life happen to you.
Even if you make no explicit mistakes, this strategy of taking life as it comes is no way to live.
To live is to act, to push forward with direction and purpose, and to make your own path in spite of what comes your way to try to stop you or cut you down.