Taking the ‘I’ Out of Inner Critic
Lorraine Hamilton PCC
I grow masterful coaches. ICF accredited PCC coach, trainer and mentor. Creator of SWITCH Coaching System?. Recovering engineer, part-time stand up comedian, voracious tea drinker, and wannabe race car driver.
Here's a superfast way to disconnect from your inner critic...
Even though our inner critic can have a profound and lasting impact on us, it can often be quick and easy to break through its bonds…. …if you know what to do.
There are many tools and practices that I use with my clients for this purpose, this is just one of them.
Today’s Wisdom Widget focuses on taking the ‘I’ out of the inner critic.
When we can begin to see the inner critic as its own character or characters, then we can begin to create some separation from you as an ambitious, successful woman and it.?Because your inner critic’s role is not aligned with your vision for yourself if you have any goals or dreams in mind.
Simply put, your inner critic is a strategy of your safety instinct, to keep you in your comfort zone.
You may wish to have a pen and something to write on nearby to take notes about your experience once it is complete.
Journal Prompts
Please share your experience of the practice and/or your insights.