Taking first step is important in life

Taking first step is important in life

Taking first step takes lot of effort, thought process, plan and determination of consistency and sticking to plan. First step could be easy to take as well, however unless it is supported by a proper plan and goal it may result in failure than success. That's because the first and the last steps are one. If the first step is well thought out and properly understood then the whole path becomes easier and happier except for situations which are beyond human control

I suppose it depends on what kind of success you are looking for. Do you want success in school? Do you want success as a businessman? Or do you want success in your life which really means do you want to be happy? I will answer the first question, “Do you want success in school?” (Although it can apply to the other areas, too.) I always tell my students, “The first thing you need to be successful is to have the right attitude and the belief that you can do it.” Then you need effort. Success won’t come to lazy people.

I really like the story about Sir Edmund Hillary who was the first person to climb Mount Everest successfully. But did you know that he failed the first time? In 1952 he attempted to climb Mount Everest but failed. A few weeks later a group of climbing enthusiasts in England asked him to give a speech to its members. Hillary walked on stage and everyone started clapping him. Even though he failed the audience was clapping him because he tried to climb Everest.?

But actually, Edmund Hillary saw himself as a failure and he wasn’t happy. He moved away from the microphone and walked to the edge of the platform. He pointed at a picture of Mt Everest and said in a loud voice, "Mount Everest, you beat me the first time, but I'll beat you the next time because you can’t grow anymore, but I can. I am still growing. " He didn’t give up and the next year he went back to Mt. Everest. Finally, on May 29, 1953, he successfully climbed Everest.

In our life, we will have many difficulties even like climbing Mt. Everest but we can overcome any problem if we have the desire to succeed, and the right attitude. But having the right attitude isn’t everything. We also have to improve our ability. In order to do this, I think that doing things at the right time is important! I live in South Korea and Koreans are really good at doing things “Bali Bali” which means “quickly, quickly”. Many university students have homework and they wait until a day or two before the due date and then they do it. Bali Bali. It is all in. But there is something quicker than Bali Bali (quickly, quickly). And if you do it you will have great success in life.

Do things in advance. Don’t wait until the last day. First of all it all depends on your definition of “Successful”. Which may be among the following. I want to have handful cash during my earlier stage of life and want to be a Billionaire at latter stage. I want to lead a peaceful and simple life with my mummy papa and family. I want chase my Dream job. These are few kinds of option you must be looking for. Believe me whether its about simple and peaceful life or chasing for your dream job or working to become a billionaire , life will never leave you.?

It will find you and will give you as much challenges it can. It will push you from behind every time you are about run. And the day you will realize that this only is the life i.e. Getting challenges and facing them with iron fist you’ll be among top 10% of the people on this earth. Never ever think of quitting at any cost with any excuse for any reason. Just hit the challenge with more power. Life with others as you remember Silence is the best answer for every question and smile is the best response to every action.

Feel the satisfaction on unnecessary helping others. Teach only to virtuous ones. Try to be away from getting in unnecessary debate with useless people. Insanity is the best part of one’s life. Say hello to the doorkeeper of a shop in mall. Give extra money to a poor seller for his cheap product. Give a smile to a stranger going opposite on metro escalator. propose the one you have feeling for et rejected have a playlist of sad song accepted to hold her/his hand for a small walk walk without umbrella in rain, get scolded by teacher. Get rejected in an interview , tell others about your interview blunders. Say thank you to auto-rikshaw, shopkeeper , Bill collector. Dance madly on your friend’s B’day, placement, marriage

Massage your fathers legs surprisingly, Go market with your mother and buy an ice-cream for her, Pull your sister’s braid,Give a surprise visit to your home after a long time.Say thank to god for whatever you have. First of all start thinking positively and start taking decisions on your own.Get away from the things that makes you feel sad or demotivated,talk to the person you have admired or your idol.

Set small goals for yourself,in whatever field you want it can be related to your studies or sports or your daily work.And the time when you achieve that goal enjoy that achievement.And trust me you will feel good about reaching that goal.And with passing time set you goals higher and higher till you reach your ultimate goal. And the thing you must follow on your way to success:- Follow your instinct. Do or become what you want to do or be not what others wants you to do or be. Don't take too much load of anything. Cheers!


