Taking a Digital Time Out
Kevin King
Startup Business Development @ Amazon Web Services (AWS) | All-Star Mentor @ Techstars | Product/Operations/Customer Experience
When starting posting on LinkedIn back in September, I set a goal of two posts a week (and I've done a pretty good job staying on track). But with the holidays, I've been super focused on being unplugged and spending time focused on living in '3-D' and not connected based on a book I read several years ago.
My Mom has only really recommended two books to me, and 'Hamlet's BlackBerry' by William Powers was one of them. Turned out, like the other title, to be a really meaningful read for me and has had a great influence in my life.
With the shrinking market share of BlackBerry, the title seems a little dated, but the book remains spot on and I would summarize it as the following:
Don't blame technology for making you always connected to work. Many of the great thinkers: Plato, Shakespeare, Franklin had a technological distraction of their times, but the reason they flourished was they figured out how to use it to their advantage.
It's a great read -- I'd highly recommend it. One of the personal journeys that Powers mentions in his book is shutting off his Internet connection on the weekends (Friday evening to Monday Morning). A really interesting challenge IMO.
But when I was discussing this concept with Shannon M King, she said 'Don't get any ideas. I don't have an Internet problem and I like using the Internet on the weekend.'
Fair enough.
I'm logging off as much as I can through the first week of the new year. I'd recommend you do the same!