Taking Charge
Pam Bateson
CEO and female Tech Founder – reimagining coaching to make it fast, close and easy
2.5 years ago today I took my sons X box to the recycling centre. I did this because he was getting addicted during lockdown and the whole house was suffering as a result of his anger and frustration at the games he was playing with strangers.
2 years ago, my daughters close friend committed suicide, age 14. There were many reasons, one was because he felt as though he could not be himself and felt trapped.
I have had to hold my kids really close, keep them talking, keep on stimulating, inspiring, gently encouraging and sometimes pressing for them to do the things you know are good for them. I and they have had to cry, laugh, show despair, show excitement and give permission to every emotion being helpful and being allowed in our home...... for so long as we always end in the certain knowledge we are loved.
I have to tell them what they have, rather than what they lack, and ask them to look for all the strengths they bring, rather than where they underperform.
I feel a profound responsibility to keep my kids active, whether this is mentally, physically or emotionally. Really important rituals include sitting and eating together and talking in the car or on dog walks.
We must keep the art of conversation and human connection alive in our families. It keeps us vibrant, optimistic, confident and connected and these are the skills we need our children to walk into work with.
So my message on World Mental Health day is to focus on 'your family'. Whether it's your children or your work family and keep conversations and your connection alive and thriving.
You will be amazed at what the simple act of talking and listening can achieve to your own and others well being. Make sure you gift it to yourself too.