Taking care of you, your family, your friends, your colleagues…
There is so much generosity pouring out from our world to help those that need the help. You are not the only one who can take care and contribute. If you can be in the moment to understand that you have limits to your contribution and caring, you will fare well. Take a short visit to what is most important to you and your circumstances and do that. It will be and is enough. May I help?? ? ??[email protected] ?
P.S. Preparing for the worst: The current RED Book blog (and all the previous blog links on preparing for disaster) are here.
Please share with your friends, neighbors and colleagues who would benefit from this information. Blessings on us all. Let me know if you have questions – we are here to help. If people would like to sign up with the NMA Blog posts for the up and coming updates about The RED Book, here is the link to do that.