Taking it back to basics
Stream: Unlocking Water Data
Unlocking the potential of water data to benefit customers, society, and the environment
We want to make Stream accessible and open to all, so we’re taking it back to basics today with an Introduction to Open Data
What is data?
Think of data like ingredients in a recipe. It's information collected from various sources, like numbers or words. Just as ingredients combine to make a dish, data comes together to provide insights and help us make decisions. This helps us make sense of things in the world around us.
What is open data?
Open data is “data and content [that] can be?freely used, modified, and shared?by?anyone?for?any purpose” (source) there are a few different licences that can be added to data but that can be for another post. (a licence helps provide more information on how the data can be used and shared)
Why is it important?
Opening up data to be viewed and used by anyone is important for many reasons. But the main one is that it means knowledge becomes more accessible and distributed.
Some other benefits, but not limited to, include:
Most importantly, open data is for everyone!
Open data is beneficial
Here are some examples of open data initiatives that have proven benefits.
Author: Elysia Moore - Stream Product Owner