It takes frequency to create memory
In the 1800’s, a German psychologist named Ebbinghaus set out to discover why human beings had a very hard time retaining learned material. Hermann Ebbinghaus focused his studies on memory and forgetfulness, using the scientific process. His experimentation with his control groups led him to the following conclusions.
He found that a good part of what a person forgets takes place within 20 minutes of the initial learning. Within one hour, a person forgets nearly half of what was originally learned. After 24 hours, almost 2/3 of the previously learned material is forgotten.
Later he would be remembered for his “Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve” which demonstrates retention after learning …a perfect analogy for advertising success or lack there of. Unless messages are reinforced over time, they will eventually be forgotten.
Results based advertising, as we know it, is based on the repetition of a great message against the proper target, over time. Those that do not have enough frequency to be remembered are soon forgotten. Many advertisers still refuse to believe in what it takes to make a successful advertising campaign. They continue to undervalue their own businesses and invest less than what is required to make it successful.
Those that are in my profession, the one that sells advertising, hear this time and time again, "I tried it and it didn't work." It didn't work because A) it was a bad message, (B) you didn't run it enough, or (C) you missed the target. That is it - those are the reasons for failure. Let's assume that you can get the message right, because that is in your control. Let us also assume that we can target the proper lifestyle group, as that is in our control. The only missing variable is the frequency at which the message is delivered.
That frequency needs to increase. What you did last year isn't enough. If your competitors got louder and you stayed the same, then you got muted. If your marketplace has 3 new competitors and you stayed the same, you got muted. The marketplace is a zero sum game. There is only 100% of the market. Doing what you did last year will never make the engine run.
Here are some rules to remember to be successful. Say something important enough to be remembered. Say it with frequency. In fact, become the loudest voice in the room. Invest enough to be important - to deliver the message enough so it has no chance of being forgotten.
Great article-