It Takes Courage

It Takes Courage

When you figure out your purpose, this is only the beginning. It can cost you everything you have. What are you willing to give up? When you see your vision, it requires a commitment to following it. It’s about being willing to take chances in life. Life is about risk. If you play it safe you won’t have much of a life. Life is risk and it takes courage to pursue your dreams. It comes at a high price and most people aren’t willing to pay the price. The price may be that you are going to be uncomfortable and possibly loose everything you have.

Success cannot be pursued if you are not willing to pay the price. To be successful you need to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Life is hard. Every time you have a plan, a dream or a goal, life happens, and it happens to everyone. You will have the highs and lows, and nothing in life is easy. To think life is going to be carefree is delusional. We all live in this bubble which is our comfort zone. 

Start by taking yourself out of your comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone you will fail. Success is very uncomfortable. Put pressure on yourself and get out there to make it happen. If you want to be ordinary then you don’t need to make any changes, just do what you have been doing. However, if you have extra-ordinary aspirations you are going to have to do extra. There is no other way. We all have extra-ordinary capabilities but you have to decide if you are willing to do the things you must to be extra-ordinary.


