Takers and Leavers
Michael David Johnson
Namaste'. Wherever & whenever possible, may I treat others with loving kindness, compassion & respect
Takers and Leavers
“The premise of the Taker story is 'the world belongs to man'. … The premise of the Leaver story is 'man belongs to the world” – is a quote from the novel “Ishmael” written by Daniel Quinn Some 10,000 years ago to the present, Quinn sees the duality of humanity reduced to two cultures: The Takers and the Leavers.
The metaphor of Cain and Able is analogous to the Takers and Leavers. Cain, the jealous, narcissistic bully represents the Takers; Able symbolizes the Leavers, who champion equality, peace, love and harmony within its culture and give back to the world more than they receive from it.
The author suggests the Bible was written by the oppressed Leavers about the vicious culture of the Takers. Oblivious, the Takers mistake that storyline as their own. The Taker’s often use God as a justification for ravishing the planet.
Throughout world history the oppressed Leavers are almost always crushed by the Takers. Takers want control over their environment and will destroy anything or anyone who gets in their way; the Leavers desire only to live in harmony with all of nature - to live and let live. Which one are you?