Take Your Recess: Put Your Passion Project in Play
Do you remember the excitement when it was time for recess in elementary school? Mentally, it was a remarkable shift in gears.
Unplugging from our classroom environment and getting outside and active was a respite from assigned seating, monitored or limited interactions with friends, and the occasional boredom with academic topics. It was freedom. It was a reinvigoration of our childhood spirit. It gave us energy to power through the second half of the school day.
As adults, a passion project can have the same impact on our work days.
But isn't a passion project an extraordinary undertaking that people do in their leisure time? Where would its place be in the work environment?
On the surface, it could seem that way. But, if we break down the larger goal into smaller parts, there is an opportunity to see that there are smaller objectives we can accomplish. I once worked with a woman who wanted to complete an Ironman Triathlon, so she spent many lunch breaks running or swimming. Another lady I knew spent her lunches painting tiles while working to build her Farmer's Market/Etsy business.
Both activities were vastly different from those of their assigned roles at work. Yet, the pleasure, personal growth, emotional satisfaction, and creative expression they cultivated directly impacted their workplace presence. Both were engaging, collaborative, and mission-driven. And, as important, both inspired the people working around them.
Passion projects allow us to step outside the immediate work, pause, recharge, and reflect on our perspectives. There is fresh energy when we return to the work tasks at hand.
Rhetorical Question: If a short vacation existed in your workday, would you take it? What's stopping you from planning it?
You have the power to pursue a passion project. You can schedule a time to have that freedom to go beyond today's situation or issue.?
Here are some things to think about:
Just like in elementary school, sometimes there is the fear of the unknown. "What if it rains?"—A setback. "What if I'm not sure what I will do out there today?"—Self-Doubt. That's okay. It's called a passion project because it is yours. There is still personal growth in having fun doodling or making a map for tomorrow's adventure.?