Take up your cross.
Antonio Nascimento
Falo sobre empreendedorismo, liberdade financeira, crescimento e desenvolvimento pessoal através da fé.
Pastor Antonio Nascimento
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me; 2? for whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 2? What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? 2? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will render to everyone according to his deeds.
In this precious passage of Matthew 16:24-27, our Lord Jesus Christ shares with us a profound and relevant message about the journey of faith and the true meaning of life. With His wisdom, He exhorts us to follow in His footsteps, denying ourselves and taking up our cross to follow Him. It is noteworthy that Jesus was speaking to simple people who were not going to gain the entire world, but rather trivial achievements and powers, many of which find pleasure in stepping on others in their career, achieving small victories without integrity, or exercising their power to dominate and humiliate subordinates or those they consider inferior, as if they possessed the whole world. Fortunately, you do not know anyone like that.
Through these words, Jesus invites us to reflect on the importance of being faithful to our commitments and understanding that true wealth is not found in material possessions. By declaring that whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for His sake will find it, our Master reveals that a truly significant life is one lived in surrender and commitment to the Kingdom of God.
Honors and earthly pleasures may captivate temporarily, but they cannot compare to the preciousness of the soul and the eternity found in Christ Jesus. It is essential to understand that materialism and the unbridled pursuit of wealth or power can distance us from the true essence of life and imprison us in vain desires. In this sense, Jesus wisely questions the value of gaining the whole world if we lose our soul.
True happiness and fulfillment are found in the pursuit of spiritual treasures such as integrity, kindness, love for others, and gratitude in our hearts. As we meditate on His words, we are invited to reflect on our priorities and daily actions. We must seek Christ and His will in everything we do, knowing that He will come again in all the glory of His Father, accompanied by His angels, to reward each one according to their deeds.
This is a call to responsibility and sincerity in our walk with God. Therefore, may the message of Jesus in Matthew 16:24-27 resonate in our hearts as an eloquent reminder of the importance of being faithful, committed, and centered on spiritual values.
I want to make it clear that I possess nothing, just like Jesus himself, in terms of having or achieving an abundant and prosperous life, not living dependent on official favors or relatives. Instead, let us seek, in love, the journey of faith, carrying our cross (rich people also have personal, emotional, and family problems) with courage and confidence, knowing that the true meaning of life is found in total surrender to Christ and living according to His precepts.
May the grace of God accompany us on this journey, strengthening us with each step, so that at the end of our earthly journey, we may find the reward of eternal life alongside our Lord.
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