Take time to review your L.I.P Service!
What is L.I.P service??
Well, I am not referring to your lips but what comes from them.
L.I.P for me stands for Life In Power because what comes from them are words and the words we speak carry with them the power of creation, often of life experiences and feelings. If you are a Christian like I am then you will acknowledge that at the beginning of time as stated in The Bible, words alone led to the existence of the world, for when God spoke things he wanted they came alive. The Bible also states that through utterance we can gift others or curse them too. Therefore we must review the words that we speak and look into our hearts too for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
What do you say about yourself?
When you’re done reading this article go back and ponder on this question for it requires a deep moment of reflection where you dig deep into your inner thinking for at times you may find that what you’re going through might be because of the way you view and refer to yourself. This is influenced by a blend of how you grew up, the society and the environment you were born into. You will find that you bare a resemblance with the words you grew up hearing and thus repeated to yourself, and this leads perfectly to my next point.
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes!
Mahatma Gandhi
Garden of Thoughts
When you have a moment close your eyes and imagine your mind to be a garden and you are the gardener. Then imagine the soil in your garden is the subconscious mind and in this soil begin planting seeds, these seeds are words of proclamations of various areas in your life. What is important to remember as you plant your seeds you will sow them at the time of harvest and they will present themselves through your body, your life reality, the relationships you form, your family and friends, your work and in totality the environment around you. These seeds, being words take a form of thought and these thoughts then trigger motion and what comes from how you move and act is because of what was programmed internally to begin with.
For your Garden of Thoughts to grow, you will need water, sun, fertiliser and most importantly labour. As your garden grows you will be presented with challenges such as weeds, insects and animals, and lack of the right weather affecting the growth of your seeds. However, if you think of the water, sun and fertiliser as forms of faith, encouragement, hope, love, joy, and peace, and you ensure your labour is consistent action towards the results you seek to render then regardless of the challenges faced, your garden will still bare fruit.
So I challenge you during your own quiet time, write down on a piece of paper what seeds you’re planting and put them in a jar, and place them somewhere you can constantly be reminded of them, meditate on them daily and pray over them, proclaim them to be of your reality. And as life progresses make note of significant moments of your life that reflect those words and thoughts you planted, and over time you will realise the power of maintaining a good L.I.P service. This can be an exercise you can do with your partner if you’re in a relationship, if you are a parent you can do this with your child/ren or if you have a business partner you can do this task for your business goals.
I hope that this will lead you to pay attention to the words you say and may you be quick to correct how you speak, for as Hafiz the poet said the words you speak become the house you live in!