Take The Road to A Healthy Heart
The global prevalence of cardiovascular diseases like coronary heart disease (CHD), heart failure (HF), and stroke was estimated at 523 million in 2019, resulting in 18.6 million yearly deaths. In India, the estimated prevalence was about 54.5 million leading to 4.77 million deaths annually in 2016. On World Heart Day, we would like to focus on CVD (cardiovascular disease) prevention and highlight the prime risk factors for increased CV events.?
Presentation of risk factors in Real-World Scenario?
THB conducted an observational and retrospective study including data from more than 400 healthcare settings across India which stated that 1.6% of patients with Dyslipidemia and 2.2% of patients with Hypertension had more risk of CV events.?
eRWE?is India’s largest real-world evidence platform empowering healthcare practitioners with the most authentic truth on disease burden, patient experiences, doctor perceptions/clinical experience, treatment pathways, and outcomes. RWE is a result of de-identified datasets analysis that is made available through routine clinical and diagnostic practices.??
Source: THB proprietary datasets ?
A plethora of studies in this context points to significant risk factors contributing to CV events. The identified risk factors were high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar levels, and high blood pressure (BP). Some other observations from THB studies that are in line with the literature review are as follows:?
? Indian males demonstrated a higher risk of CV events at a younger age than females; 10% of males in India experienced a CV event before 40 years of age.?
? Myocardial infarction was found common at a younger age in the Indian population(mean age 56.9 years).?
Addressing The Major Risk Factors?
? BP - Multiple clinical trials have shown that lowering BP reduces CV risks- 50% for heart failure, 35-40% for stroke, and 20-25% for myocardial infarction.
? Blood Sugar- A well-controlled glycemic index demonstrated noteworthy long-term reductions in MI and all-cause mortality, attributed to pharmacotherapy care.
? Cholesterol- CDC quoted that up to a 10% decrease in total cholesterol can reduce the incidence of heart disease by as much as 30%.
? Thyroid, Weight, and BMI are some other parameters which when falling in the ‘optimal’ category, reduce the risk of CV events.
Keep Your Heart Healthy with These Measures?
? Diet- Multiple studies highlight the impact of the Lyon Diet, which postulated that the consumption of ALA (canola oil) significantly reduced cardiac deaths and nonfatal CHD. Another study stated that consumption of the Mediterranean diet (extra virgin olive oil, 50 grams/day) reduced CV events by 30% over five years.
? Physical Activity- Practicing any form of physical activity yields an energy disbursement of about 1000 kcal per week and is known to be associated with a 20-30% reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality.?
? Saying No to Smoking- Quitting smoking by heavy smokers is also associated with a lower risk of CVD within five years when compared with current heavy smokers.
? Avoiding Alcohol- Limiting alcohol and stress along with good sleeping habits are also associated with optimum health parameters?
Advancements in pharmacotherapeutic interventions (like statins, novel platelet inhibitors) have altered the risk possibility for CV events. Newer molecules for metabolic control are now constantly discovered for enhancing the benefits of the users. Multiple devices like biofeedback, halter-enabled watches and google glasses have made the display of all vital parameters in real-time easy.??
Considering the current statistics, it has become paramount to incorporate these risk numbers as the foundation for future healthcare policy development. From the indispensable need for regular health checks to cost-value analysis of a specific treatment choice, structured data sets can benefit health providers, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies across all areas.??
THB’s?eRWE?has access to data from more than 400 multi-speciality?centres?across India, having a patient base of more than 13,00,000, with precise details like demographics, socio-economic profiles, diagnostic approaches, and treatment statistics.???
This World Heart Day, let us pledge to use evidence-based practices to reach the patient’s HEART?
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? Real-World Evidence - THB Proprietary Data.?
? Cardiovascular diseases, assessed at ? https://www.who.int/health-topics/cardiovascular-diseases#tab=tab_1?on Sept 28th?2021, 13:37 IST?
? Gallucci G,?Tartarone?A, Lerose R,?Lalinga?AV, Capobianco AM. Cardiovascular risk of smoking and benefits of smoking cessation. Journal of thoracic disease. 2020 Jul;12(7):3866.?
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? Anand SS, Hawkes C, De Souza RJ, Mente A, Dehghan M, Nugent R,?Zulyniak?MA, Weis T, Bernstein AM, Krauss RM, Kromhout D. Food consumption and its impact on cardiovascular disease: the importance of solutions focused on the globalized food system: a report from the workshop convened by the World Heart Federation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2015 Oct 6;66(14):1590-1614.?
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? State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs Address High Blood Cholesterol assessed at?https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fs_state_cholesterol.htm?on Sept 2021; 13:37 IST?
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