Sherman B. Bradley
Pastor Podcaster Public Speaker Author Consultant Spiritual Director
Risk is a step you take, not a mistake you make or avoid altogether. What does that mean? Most people are afraid of taking a risk - at least the risk toward advancing a cause, career or meaningful relationship. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go.” — T.S. Eliot
Risk is typically identified from the posture of what if it doesn’t work out. How will I look? What will they say? It is viewed as a mistake long before a decision is made to act. Therefore paralysis, stagnation and inactivity or less than risk taking steps are implemented but nothing that is tangible to becoming a game changer. And since risk is connected to opportunity, many positive opportunities are never entered into because the moment passes by, the door shuts, someone else steps in to the risk and you are again left on the outside looking in. Waiting, wondering, wishing something would happen for you! “Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” — Frederick Wilcox
It is time to take a leap of faith and spread your wings. You’ve been in the nest far to long. You need to stretch out and let opportunity propel you into your destiny. You’ve been given unique gifts and abilities that no other person can duplicate for you or do the way God intended for you. So go with the courage and confidence to fulfill the unseen that is the foundation for receiving the results of risk personified!
In 2002 at the pushing of a friend who 15 years later is my wife of 15 years I joined a homeless shelter as Director of a drug rehab program for men. A program that I had to develop from scratch even though I had never ever done it before! It was a daunting task to say the least. But I was determined to press forward with faith and a will to see a dream come to life. Ten years later, not only had we established a 12 month drug rehab program with counseling, mentors, after care and alumni network but also added transitional housing units and a social entrepreneurial enterprise as well. And for the final 5 years I was promoted to Vice President. A risk well taken! A mission accomplished. Goals completed. And it can be the same for you as well. A new level of success awaits you to propel you into the next risk taking adventure. Are you willing to take hold of your destiny. Are you willing to take the risk?