Take that risk or loose the chance!
Hellen Kimaru
Founder/Project Manager- LatitudeZero Opportunities| Social Entrepreneur | Women and Girls Empowerment | SRHR Advocate | Writer/Poet advocating for Social Issues
A while back, a friend of mine reached out to me for some business advice, she asked 'how do you do it? what keeps you grounded and going regardless?' She had this beautiful idea of starting a business but had some initial doubts, to top it off, a few of her friends had offered some discouraging advice on why she shouldn't get started. To some extent though, they were a bit concerned and rightfully so. I asked her about her plan, what she else she was doing to get her basics such as food and rent covered. We all need this covered especially in these tough economic times. Running a business is never a walk in the park, there can be good and bad days. For some business ideas, they never get to see the light of day and other businesses are launched but never break-even, leave alone make a profit.
We had a lengthy conversation about her plan, the pros and cons and what her backup plan was. As our conversation progressed, I shared with her what my mum always says, 'a bad business is one that hasn't been started yet'. To further explain this, my mother says that if one has an idea, they have to give it a shot or they would never know if it would work. Therefore, risk is part of any given business and due diligence is mandatory.
She did launch her business eventually, when I reached out to her recently about it, her responses were remarkable 'the business is thriving, it did better than expected, it exceeded my expectations!' I couldn't be happier for her!
She had an idea, and she took the risk! Looking back, my entrepreneurship journey has been full of surprises and lots of risk taking too. Even on the days I doubted my abilities and ideas, I took a risk on myself and on those ideas. I have succeeded and failed in equal measure. The goal, however, has always been to take that risk.
Risk however has to be calculated, it has to be measured, it has to be within reason for you. What ideas do you have that you have been holding back on?
Sometimes all it takes is a few risky strides to finally get moving in the right direction!
#fempreneur #littlegirlwithbigdreams #latzero #business #takingrisks #millenialboss