Take Responsibility!
Temitope Olugbenga Ogunrinde
Program, Business & Organizational Development Expert
Folks, it's another end of week. I would love you to ponder on these few points of mine:-
1. You have to Give up all excuses.
If you dislike your outcomes, change your responses. Your Events + Your Responses = Your Outcomes. What do you see? Do you see a beautiful glass with water as half-empty or half-full? You cannot continue to give excuses for everything. Giving excuses is defeating and constraining. I have learnt, I am learning, to stop giving excuses for anything at all but work more on myself to be better.
2. Quit blaming others for your errors, peccadilloes, ignorance, missed chances.
Blaming is a bloody waste of energy, time and it will never bring the anticipated success. Acknowledge who you are today (your frailties, and strengths) and know that the choices made, actions taken, responses provided, feelings created and thoughts meditated on; are all yours.
3. Stop Complaining.
I have always thought about this: Many people complain about things they can do something about. For most things we can't do anything about, do we really complain? NO! The situations you complain about are, by very nature things you can change but you haven't done so. Ditto for wanting to live in a beautiful house, having a more loving partner, lovely neighbours, eating healthier food, travelling round the world to see beautiful cities and so on. These are all good but these things require change. We like to sit in our comfort zones, avoid taking risks and complain. Replace complaining with positive actions that will help you achieve your desired results. Take risks but calculated ones. My wish for you is that you will make a decision to stop complaining today.
4. Pay attention to yourself, to the results you are producing, notice the red and yellow flags around you.
Be wary of your attitudes, behaviours especially as it affects people around you. Learn more, develop more skills. There is nothing bad in having more prospects. Socialize more, exercise more, reduce sugar intake, do away with junk food and soda. You need to be willing to look at the results you produce on a daily.
5. Finally, Take Responsibility.
This is one of the key nuggets of many successful people. They take 100% responsibility. The life you have is yours and you must take responsibility for the experience, results, achievements, disappointments, physical fitness, health. You may not be able to change that event or circumstance, the climate, your spouse, the government in power or the people around you; but you can change yourself. Be honest with yourself and apply the Mirror principle regularly. (Nothing tells you the truth about how you look more than your mirror).