Take Responsibility and Own it!
Jonathan J. Pratt, MDRT - Court of the Table, CLF
Founder & CEO of Life Solutions Group
Too often we read about families who lose a father or mother to an illness or accident. We mourn their loss and pray for those who they have left behind.
Then after the emotional loss has left deep scars and long lasting suffering we hear stories in the paper of the family losing their homes, not being able to feed the children or provide for them in the wake of their loss.
Unfortunately, as a financial planner who specializes in "risk management" and the prevention of loss through the purchase of insurance I ask why did they FAIL to BUY insurance? Why were they so reckless and why did they put their family in such a financially difficult position?
The answer is sad and troubling. Today people can eliminate the risk of loss for very little and even own insurance that acts as an investment and actually earn dividends and build up cash value that is far more than the cost of the coverage.
So here is the lesson for EVERYONE who has someone that depends on them for their support. Take responsibility and BUY LIFE INSURANCE! There is NO EXCUSE for being reckless and living with the risk that if you get ill or are in an accident that you pass away from your familiy will be left withonly poverty, shame and the life of BEGGING others to "Bail them out" because you failed to take responsibility and "OWN IT".
I own life insurance, my wife owns life insurance, my children own life insurance and I bought life insurance for all four of my granddaughters. It is the "RIGHT" thing to do!
It costs as little as a large ice coffee per day to own enough coverage to provide your family with whta they need to remain in the life you have created for them. So reach out to a life insurance agent today and be responsible for those you love.