Take The Red Pill Winnipeg - with G. Edward Griffin & Dan Dicks
John Thore Stub Sneisen
CEO, Speaker, Researcher | Economic Systems, Geopolitics, Crypto Currencies
We at World Alternative Media are proud to present you with a Red Pill reality dose. We want to help in waking you up to the truths that are hidden and shake up your paradigm so you could see past the thin veil of "truth" propagated by the media and government.
On May 6th, 2017 from 2pm-5pm, you will be able to take part in a live Q&A with the legendary G. Edward Griffin (author of 'The Creature From Jekyll Island'), Dan Dicks (Founder of and reporter at Press For Truth), both via Skype! You will also hear speeches in person from Dr. Ryan Greschuk as well as Josh Sigurdson and John Sneisen of World Alternative Media!
The event will take place at the Canad Inns at 826 Regent Ave W, by Plessis Road! The message of individual liberty, freedom, free markets, a free monetary system, individualism vs. collectivism, all of these issues are incredibly important to the future of the world we live in and the global establishment would rather you take a blue pill and go back to sleep. Let's make a point to stand up against collectivist coercion.
To stand up against those that use us, abuse us and throw us to the side like garbage for their own benefit. The vast public is asleep and we need to wake them up, but we need to gather in numbers first. We know a lot of you out there feel alone in the fight, but we are here to tell you are not.
Let's get together, network, hang out and listen to some great people talk! How often do you get to talk with people like G. Edward Griffin and Dan Dicks over Skype? How often can you enter a room full of people who also have a massive appreciation for the message of individual liberty!
You won't want to miss this event! It shall be the first of many events like this in Winnipeg where the liberty movement most definitely needs a helping hand up! Tickets are limited! Make sure to secure your seat now!
Comment or message us for tickets!
Tickets are $12 each!
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."―Morpheus