Take the Positivity Challenge.
“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” - Anais Nin.
- One of the most effective ways to improve your life is simply to think in a more positive way.
- We think it is like it is – It’s easy to confuse what has happened to you, the story of your life, with now and the future. The past does not necessarily equal the future. If you believe it does then it does. But if you don’t believe it does then it doesn’t. If you change your way of thinking you can change your behaviour, habits and your life.
- Changing the many negative thoughts in our day to day life to positive ones can take quite a bit of energy. If you are stressed out by work and your personal life, if you aren’t eating and sleeping well and don’t take time to exercise there will be a lack of energy. It’s easy to just feel too damn tired to change your thoughts, to just give up and revert to the familiar way of thinking.
- Most of us have an ingrained sense that what we believe is right. Even though a belief we have might not be that useful. Or makes our lives out right miserable. It can be hard to give up a belief because then we have to give up.
- Not knowing how the world (most of the time) works can discourage you. And the information about how the world works that you get from media, the people around you and society may not always be that accurate and effective. Seek out relevant information for yourself to set your expectations to a reasonable level. Here are 10 habits that you must know!!!
Habits to Pursue
- Cut the negative threads quickly.Only allow yourself to go on a negative thread of thought for a set time-period, perhaps 30 seconds or a minute. Then just cut it off, drop it and think about what positive things you can get out of this situation. Don’t feed the negative thoughts with more energy or you might trap your mind in a downward spiral for quite a while. If you start going down a negative thread of thought it is important to cut it fast.
- Realize that it is possible to choose what you think about and how you react. You don’t have to live your life in reaction. Being reactive to everything is not very empowering. You have a choice. But it might take some time to make this click in your mind..
- Focus on the gap between stimuli and reaction. Accept your feelings, don’t deny or refuse them – Although it’s often possible to just quickly cut off negative thoughts sometimes it might not be enough. Then you can try the counter-intuitive way and not keep the feeling out by fighting it. Instead, accept the feeling. Say yes to it. Surrender and let it in. Observe the feeling in your mind and body without judging it. If you just let it in and observe it for maybe a minute or two something wonderful happens. The feeling just vanishes. It sounds weird but give it a try.
- Get the physical fundamentals down. If you don’t have time to sleep a healthy amount of hours, eat properly and get exercise then you need to prioritize. If you don’t do this it will be harder to become and stay positive. If you do re-prioritize, your general sense of well-being will increase, you will feel stronger and have more energy. Use Where is your really time going? and Prioritize with the Pareto Principle to make better use of your time. Also, check out this simple way to feel really relaxed.
- : Act as if.Smile to feel happier. Move slower to relax. Use positive language. Act as if you are a positive person and you will start to feel and become more positive. It might feel weird at first, but it really works.
- Limit your time with negative people.Limit your time with really negative people – Some people feed on negative energy and whatever you try it never pleases them or changes their sour minds and moods. If nothing you do works then finally you might have to cut them out of your life or at least limit your time with them.
- Model positive people.Find positive people in your surroundings or anywhere in time and space (through documentaries, biographies etc.) and learn from them. Find out how they handle everyday life, problems, setbacks and compare it to your own thoughts and how you would handle similar situations.
- Focus on the now and future, not the past.A lot of people spend a lot of time thinking about on the mistakes they made in past. A better way is to think about the mistake you made and what you can learn from it. Then stop wasting your time and shift your focus to the present and the future where you can actually make a change.
- Redefine “failure” and “proof”.You don’t have to learn much about successful people to realize that one of their key-strengths is that their way of looking at failure is widely different from more common one in society. “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan
- Positive attracts positive.People like positive people. Positive people make other people feel good about themselves and they don′t drag the mood down. Also, a positive attitude is an indicator – and source – of high self-confidence, a quality that just about everyone is attracted to. The world changes due to the beliefs you have about it and the actions you take based on your beliefs. I do believe that this is a more useful model of how to view and interact with the world than a pessimistic one and that it′s a more enjoyable way of thinking. It is a way of thinking that increases happiness and joy in life. Something I think just about everyone wants.
“Though I might travel afar, I will meet only what I carry with me, for every man is a mirror. We see only ourselves reflected in those around us. Their attitudes and actions are only a reflection of our own. The whole world and its condition has its counterparts within us all. Turn the gaze inward. Correct yourself and your world will change.” - Kirsten Zambucka
Sharing what is Shared with me.