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Rather Be Chalking
We create happiness and good vibes through Art! Our speciality is 3D Chalk, Hand Painted Signs + Mobile Chalkboard Experience. Let's Chalk!
Tempe Festival of the Arts-- This took us 3 full days to create this 3D License Plate!! We usually try to get a picture of us as soon as we sign and finish our piece. It's always when we are the most tired, hungry, and ready to go home. It's hard work coloring on the ground. We can't get enough though, so we keep chalking!!
We had so much fun creating this one of a kind chalk art. This wasn't our first design for the festival, it was probably our 3rd or 4th idea we went with. In order to get a perfect picture the plate needs to be stretched out and drawn from a certain perspective. The crowds LOVE to take pictures and were definitely into this chalk art we created.
What can we create for you? Let's Chalk!