Take off the identity mask you chose for your life

Take off the identity mask you chose for your life

We are living in strange times… We are living in a world where everything as we knew it is no longer… We are living in a world that is merely a construction, an illusion, a simulation, a matrix… A world where all the major institutions are just structures to provide some kind of order, but have turned out to be more stifling, constricting and enslaving than anything else…

We are living in a world where We are even constructions… Who we know ourselves to be is but an accumulation of thought patterns, belief systems, emotional patterns, defenses, and habits. We are stuck with the habit of playing ourselves… We created an identity, a persona, that we are using as the character in the story of our life…

This can be super sad, demoralizing, and scary, on one hand. But on the other hand, oh boy, it can be magnificently illuminating, empowering, and freeing…

 Now we can choose to continue to live in this nightmare, hell on earth, and mass illusion, or we can choose to wake up and take charge of our own life. We can choose to become more and more who we truly are, embrace our Becoming. We can own our true identify and play a better Game of Life…

Life as we know it is so ingrained in us that considering anything else just seems ridiculous, out of a fiction book or movie, and for the crazy in an asylum…

Who we know ourselves to be is so ingrained in us that considering anything else is totally unthinkable, destabilizing, and ungrounding…

I know that the more I heal, upgrade, and deconstruct myself that the more I feel like I’m floating, flowing through my life, much lighter and unencumbered… It’s a bit surreal at times, a wondrous experience…

One of the side effects is disengaging from the rush, distractions, and drama we are used to living with, a good thing. And a much bigger desire to just take it easy… Really weird and different for me as you might know… The desire to help, guide, and inspire others remains minus the seduction for the grind, another good thing.

As I continue to shed layers of trauma, protection, defenses, programs, patterns, habits, and the like, it becomes more and more evident that who I knew myself to be was the identity I needed to assume to deal with myself and how I perceived my world…

When we allow ourselves to operate from our small and lower self, with blinders on, wearing a thick identity mask, we are but ensuring our own suffering and demise.

This is when we get sick, our relationship is stagnant, our children have issues, things break, we hit a career wall, we can’t get rid of debt, and so on. We experience lack in all areas of our life in spite of the evidence of abundance all around us…

So, we have a choice, continue to hang on to the identity of who we think we are and continue the struggle, the grind, the enslavement we currently buy into in this world. Or we choose freedom, we choose to own the radiant Beings we are without the masks and the illusion of the identity we forced on ourselves…

We can choose to own our vulnerabilities, our perfect imperfections, our pain, and all the mechanisms we used to survive the world we believed we were in… We can choose how we look at our world and to show up to it with our full authentic selves. This goes without saying, that we’d do this in our relationship as well… And what a different relationship that becomes…

When we disentangle ourselves from the constructions, the illusions, is when we are truly free, empowered, and sovereign… This is when we are truly living the life we are supposed to live, and when we win at the Game of Life… 

You have a choice to continue to hang on to your identify as you know it, or to start taking off the mask for a more real and magnificent life experience…

Complete the Application Exercise ON THE BLOG!

Download the Free 1-Pg Downloadable: Refresh for Newness to play with how you identify yourself and have a better impact on your life...


Emma K. Viglucci, Relationship Therapist (She/Her)的更多文章

