Take the Nudge.
ou know what you need to do. Sometimes it takes a reminder and a little nudge. Are you going to wait for someone else to give it to you? Precious minutes, hours, and days are ticking away while you wait. What action are you willing to take? For what are you waiting? Approval? You have it. Now, do it.
Do it today.
Life is too short for apologies, excuses explanations, rationalizations, or reasoning. Stop talking and start doing. Only you know the truth of the yearning of your soul. Rather than waiting for another to interpret it for you, follow your instinct. Your soul knows the way.
Another day is at hand. Your life is waiting. The universe is waiting for you to say “yes” to something bigger, better, and more aligned with who you have come here to be. Will you answer the call today or gamble again on the uncertainty of tomorrow? Choose.
Success or sabotage? Be clear about what you want and go after it. Do something, however small, to facilitate your own success. The greatest form of self-sabotage is inaction.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Risk the uncertainty by pursuing the life that you truly desire. It does not get more incredible than that.