Take a Moment to Reflect This Independence Day
Photo Credit: Aaron Burden

Take a Moment to Reflect This Independence Day

America’s birthday is bursting into the sky next week, as communities across this great land will light up the sky in celebration of? who we are as a nation. And if you’re an entrepreneur, like me, Independence Day is the perfect moment to take a few hours and reflect on who we are as Americans, personally as well as independent business owners.?

The American spirit is built on being independent and working hard for what you want. The freedom to pursue your dreams and live life on your own terms is a beautiful American ideal. As an American entrepreneur, it’s important to remember that the success of our country is tightly tied to the success of small businesses in America; as the story of our nation today is all about you.

Business owners contribute to the success of America, by exemplifying the American dream, and through their contribution to the nation as they create jobs and opportunities within their communities and the economy. In a post-COVID-19 environment, there will continue to be a growing trend to support small businesses, refocusing our values to realign with the ideals that America stands for. This is why, time and again, entrepreneurs and business owners are praised as incredibly valuable members? to their community for the value of jobs, goods and services they provide.?

As businesses bring life to their community, they employ Americans who can put food on the table for their family, a roof over their head, and give their kids experiences to build character. Businesses sponsor sports teams, working with parents and volunteers to promote healthy teams for the youth in their neighborhoods. Playing baseball (in my case, tee-ball) as a kid is a shared memory many Americans hold close to their heart. We remember the smell of the grass, the cool breeze on our forehead against our wet sweat, and your heart bursting when you cheer on your friend from down the street as they make the play to win the game. These memories cross the boundaries of generations. Though the style of clothes changes through the decades, the desire of Americans to have a childhood full of these memories encompasses us all. Businesses make this happen every day in their community, by employee individuals who pride themselves in their ability to support their family and provide a good life with a happy childhood.

As Americans, while we strive for success, we build up the people around us, setting the bar higher in our community through our own success. We become leaders to those around us, which is an honor that contains responsibility. With the awareness we are positively contributing to the world around us, I ask us to identify how we would like to contribute to our community. Business owners are in a unique position to do so because they have more resources to utilize. As we celebrate the beauty and independence of our country in the upcoming days, begin to think about how you would like to take ownership of your contributions in your community and set the bar high, as you have already accomplished such a high standard you have set for yourself in business and proven to be successful. Remember, success in one endeavor promises success in others.

What an honor it is to be an independent business owner and entrepreneur in America! You have the opportunity every day to contribute and exemplify what makes this country great. But there’s more you can do as an entrepreneur than just run your company well, you have immense power, which I hope you’ll use for good by being a leader for your community. If you’re ready to take on the responsibility of leading with pride, please let me know how I can help you get started by providing support from my team of? experts who are eager to partner with you to grow, scale, and techify your business.

Happy upcoming 4th!


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