Take a moment to reach out.

Take a moment to reach out.

Speaking unofficially. 

A lot of the time, I notice that as individuals and human beings, we lose sight of the bigger picture and get caught up in our own struggles. I have them, you, reading this message, have them, and we do our best to overcome and to survive and succeed. Sometimes against what seem impossible odds. And on very rare occasions, others not struggling quite so hard, notice and reach out to offer a hand. And that makes all the difference.

Not the amount of help, but that someone cared enough to offer at all. There have been at least twice when someone's done that for me in the last few decades, and changed the course of my life entirely. It's in salute to them, and a self-assigned pay-it-forward obligation for those actions and others that I write this today.

I read a posting today on Reddit, an update of a situation involving a man and his son that sounded heartfelt and genuine enough that I took a minute, and read through his story. I've no connection to this except for having my heart go out to him on reading both this update and his backstory as posted on his profile, and the comments of those who've offered him advice. Kudos to each of those people, of course. I don't have any way of knowing the truth of what he says as a random internet stranger, nor am I close enough to Jacksonville, FL to help him physically, myself. But perhaps there are ReddHeads or contacts within reach of the Reddcoin network that could offer this man and his son a hand?


And if not this story, perhaps the next? Subreddits like /r/assistance and /r/lonely, to name two of an endless list of people in need, are full of genuine people in need of a hand or a kind thoughtful word. (And more than a few scammers, please do be aware.) And while there are tons of other places to find those in need, helping starts with just one action, or one word.

Let's engage the social aspect of our social currency, and see if we can start a wave of good deeds, people just helping people as a counter to all of today's negativity and hate that seems to want to overtake the news. Life is better when we share, when we connect, and in these modern days, we just don't take the time to connect. Let's share with those whom a kind word, or a couple bucks might really impact, and together, let's spread some love and paint the world #Redd!

Reddcoin, and both the team behind it and the ReddHead community supporting it, has always had a strong shared flavor of philanthropy and altruism. Part of our goal is to share those values and help those in need wherever possible. I wanted to take a moment to restate and reinforce that, and encourage those who think a single deed can't have tremendous consequences. Reach out and help someone and see if your own life doesn't get a little bit brighter for the effort. :)

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