Take Me Home Bella Story of Animal Communication From Spirit Guides
From Val: This inspiring, extraordinary true story of animal communication from Spirit Guides comes from one of my private Quantum Leap clients and Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club Platinum students. Enjoy!
Take Me Home Bella! Extraordinary True Story of Animal Communication From Spirit Guides
By Kai River Song* and Bella
(The John Denver song “Take Me Home Country Roads” plays in the background)
I was living in an RV resort in Phoenix, Arizona with my two golden retriever dogs after leaving my husband of 30 years. It was a luxury RV resort and the people were fantastic. I could not have asked for better neighbors. I was doing the “Snowbird” thing… or so I had planned but Universe had other ideas.
I told my biological family who live in the area that I was absolutely only staying for the winter and I WOULD NOT under any circumstances stay in Phoenix for the hot summer.
Well good thing I did not bet on myself, I would have lost big time.
COVID-19 hit and there was no “escaping” up north or to California or to Florida for the summer as I had planned. RV sites were literally shut down like most of the rest of the world and the advice was to “stay where you are until the COVID-19 lock down is over in 2-3 months”…
What’s a girl to do??
My RV is not designed to handle the heat of a Phoenix summer. So far it was only reaching the high seventies during the day but it was already getting too hot for the dogs even with the AC running 24/7. It was not adequate to keep my furkids (or me) comfy.
And what about when the asphalt became too hot to walk on, then what?
We needed a real home to hunker down in until the world’s craziness settled down to its normal level of absurdity.
So, I turned to my guardian angel Bella (my heart dog, a former golden retriever now In Spirit) to help find us a perfect home.
Did you know that animals who transition can choose to communicate from spirit guides? When my heart dog Bella made her transition, Val worked with us and reconnected us on the other side. I wanted her to reincarnate because I missed her furry self and the ability to cuddle and touch her. But Bella chose to become my teacher, showing me how an animal communicates from a spirit guide role. Our conversations have been richly rewarding, beyond the norm, and so very comforting.
Bella told me to start by writing out a list of what I wanted. So as requested, I gave her a list of wants and needs, and as is my practice added my usual “or something better”.
Then I did the legwork and started searching for it. We looked and looked and looked for almost a month. Every potential door slammed shut!
Honestly, I was feeling more and more upset, frustrated and yes, worried. It was getting hotter and hotter every day and still nothing opened up.
One day after another long fruitless investigation, my phone, which I rely on heavily for navigation, ran out of power.
Now mind you, I am navigationally challenged and come from a family of navigationally challenged people. To my dismay I was lost big time and had no idea how to get back to the RV resort.
Calming myself I asked Bella to please “Take Me Home”. I am lost and have literally no idea which direction to drive. I was going in circles.
Following her guidance, I went as I was directed into areas and neighborhoods I had never been before. But the problem was, these areas were absolutely not in the area of the RV park! I was like, dang, thanks a lot Bella, we’re still lost, where in the world are you taking me?!
I thought for sure I could just turn the car over to her and she would take us home! The other two furkids were in the car with me of course, enjoying the ride and wondering why mom was getting so upset.
I finally stopped and asked a physical human for directions. They thought I was nuts being so lost but WTF, they didn’t understand. Navigation is lacking in my DNA.
Another week passed, still no house to move into and it’s getting hotter and hotter and hotter…
And I’d check in and communicate with Bella, again.
Bella told me in multiple conversational visits “be patient, the house will appear on this specific date”.
I believed her… but I kept looking anyway. And I kept fretting and worrying and trying to make it happen, to hurry things up.
It’s part of being human I think to “act” as if we have some semblance of control in our lives.
To my utter astonishment and delight, damn if the perfect house didn’t appear on the precise date that Bella told me!
And it was so much “better” than anything I could have conceived. This house is more than perfect, it is amazing. It has everything on my list and more besides.
And here is the kicker, it is in the exact neighborhood that Bella took me too when I had asked her to “take me HOME”.
Lessons Learned:
- Trust my guides and angels. They are providing more valuable insight than I asked for.
- When things get dicey, it’s time to consider if I am glossing over something, blocking or not receiving the message when I asked for help.
- Be more precise with my requests to help my guides and angels. I said take me home. I did not say direct me back to the RV. There’s a difference, and yes, the RV was not my “real” home anymore.
- There are no accidents. I am always very careful to have my phone charged and carry a spare battery pack typically. This entire event was orchestrated for my best and highest good. Including being in Phoenix in an RV when COVID-19 hit.
Do these lessons sound familiar to you too? I hope my story helps you today in some way. These are all intuitive development and healing things we are learning together with Val. I’ve grown so much in so many ways, both in learning animal communication and in healing, evolving and growing into my Best Self.
Thank you Val for coming into my life.
Thank you Bella and my team of guides and angels.
Animal communication from spirit guides is possible through activating your intuitive abilities and practicing animal communication.
If you’d like to learn how to talk to animals including communicating with your spirit guides yourself, start at The Heart School of Animal Communication with the Beginning Core Foundations Course.
If you’ve already taken a beginning course or workshop, then consider advancing your intuitive skills with the Advanced Animal Talk Mastery Course OR Join the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club!
* student name changed to protect their privacy.
Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels