Take inventory. Do more.
For free weekly job tips and a short weekly career meditation podcast, sign up for my e-mail list at www.kanemillsmedia.com. Thank you! - MPK
From a professional wrestler friend: “Take inventory.”
Get a big sketch pad. Sit down at a table or bar and write down all of the resources that you can bring to bear to improve your life and career. Do you have an old treadmill covered with clothes and papers? Write it down. Do you have apps on your phone that are great but you never use? Write them down. Even the things you are using well…write those down! You will experience a few things.
First, you will be shocked and grateful at the same time. The sheer number of things you can use will amaze you. From public libraries to parks, things that are already available to you for free that can improve your health and career and life will open your mind to actions that you can take and habits that you can develop.
Second, FOMO and the urge to spend more money will go down as you see new possibilities for what you already own. If you can get max results from a $5 jump rope, the urge to buy something more expensive will diminish. If you can apply the lessons of a book, the need to immediately buy 500 more drops off a cliff. Mastery becomes a priority over possession.
Third, your confidence will rise as you see that most things you need to get what you want to go are right there at your disposal. Your successes and mastery will beget more successes and will encourage you.
Fourth, you will be grateful for the people in your life. You will think of ways to help and serve them. With this knowledge, you will better meet their needs and your own. It will keep you from just "going through the motions" with everybody. It will keep you focused on the present and the future, and give you more to share than the glory days of the past.
This is but a partial list.
This inventory doesn't have to super complicated. It doesn't take all day. If it starts to feel overwhelming, put it down. It's a tool, not a straitjacket.
Share with me how this works for you! E-mail me at [email protected] with your "Inventory Story!"
Michael Kane is a career coach in Hyannis, MA looking forward to more spring weather. For free weekly job tips and a short weekly career meditation podcast, sign up for his e-mail list at www.kanemillsmedia.com. For a free 15-minute consultation, visit www.calendly.com/michaelkanekmm. He can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].