Take The Initiative
The world bestows it's big prizes, both in money &in honors, for but one thing. And this is Initiative.
Initiative is?
Doing the right thing without being told. But next to doing the thing without being told is to do it when you're told once. Taking initiatives reflects your pro-activeness and can-do spirit each time you take one. Pro-active workers are high in demand, and it's easy to understand Why. Compared to more passive group-Pro-active people are better performers, contributors, and innovators.
Wise Pro-activity-The Right way to be Pro-active
Managing yourself-Being pro-active takes considerable time and energy, so it's important to recognize that some problems are not yours to solve. Taking on too many or too large initiatives can easily lead to burnout.
Considering Others-Most of the time, the changes you make to your work methods implicate other teams. It's always important to have empathy built-in with your initiative so that it impacts others positively and more importantly rightly.
Aligning with Organizational goals-If an idea doesn't align with your key strategy or the larger mission of your organization it's like to be a waste of time &resource.
Ask yourself these question before taking up that initiative or being a part of one-
Is Change needed in the situation?
What type of change is appropriate?
Does your idea effectively supports your end goal?
Don't be pro-active for the sake of being pro-active, but be pro-active in the wise way.
Utkarsh Sinha
Please share your thoughts on pro-activeness in the comments.