Take Heart. A Call To Courage.
Erik Kruger
Global Speaker | Helping Leaders to Adapt Faster and Lead Smarter | Bestselling Author | Co-Host of Award-Winning Podcast | Limited 1:1 Coaching Slots
Good morning,
My first Leadership Lab virtual cohort has just finished, and it was a smashing success. The next one will be running on the 14th and 15th of August, and you can find more information by clicking here. Only 25/30 spots remaining.
At the core of my keynote on change and adaptability is a call to courage.
Change creates uncertainty and unpredictability.
This is very much opposed to the stability and predictability that we crave as humans.
Therefore, to step into the unknown and deal with the angst created by change requires courage.
Not the grandiose, run-into-a-burning-building type of courage, but a quiet, determined courage to take on the challenges of life and emerge victorious.
When we are trying to encourage people, we often say, "Take heart."
This is because the root of the word courage, "cor", means heart.
And today, this is exactly my message to you:
Take heart!
I know that change can be scary and overwhelming. But it's a process that's necessary for progress to occur. I mean this as literally as possible.
We cannot create progress when we think, act, and feel like we did yesterday.
Growth only comes from change.
Here's Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the brilliant mind behind one of my favorite characters of all time, Sherlock Holmes. On top of being a great novelist, he also wrote incredible poems. And one of his poems is called "Take Heart."
So, I'll allow him to take us home for today's message.
Take Heart
When our souls are filled with fear,
When the path is dull and drear,
When the wind is chill and strong,
When the way is rough and long.
Take heart!
When vague terror fills our breast,
When forebodings break our rest,
When we search for any light
In the black encircling night,
Take heart!
When with feeble hands we grope
For some faint elusive hope,
When we wander hand in hand
Through the gloomy twilight land.
Take heart!
Courage, comrade! Courage still!
We will breast the weary hill!
Hand in hand we scale the height,
Till we reach the golden light.
Take heart!
Whenever you are ready, here's how I can help: