Take it from Napolean - Imagination Rules the World
Dr. Christine M. Silverstein
Peak Performance Coach & Hypnosis Consultant for Health, Athletics, Business, Performing Arts, & Academics
In this discussion about the use of the imagination to accomplish our goals, Valeria Koopman and I in her podcast “Fit for Joy,” speak about how, in her youth, she had complex PTSD resulting from an adverse childhood experience (ACEs), and how she held on to her old beliefs, until one day, she was able to imagine something different to overcome her fear.
This scenario is true for everyone in that we all have ACEs from our past that may be buried in our unconscious mind so deeply that we may not even realize they exist there for our protection. One such event occurred when I was fearful of being blind during an eye exam when I failed to read the large E on the eye chart during a vision checkup as an adult. The circumstances were such that the eye doctor unknowingly triggered me back to a time when I was 12 and had an eye operation that was frightful to me. It was fortunate for me to see my way clear by using my imagination to improve my vision on the next office visit.
I invite you to click on my video clip with Valeria here where I speak about two physicians/clients and how they were threatened by their lack of belief in themselves because of negative experiences of the past and a student athlete who believed he was illiterate because of his ACEs and how he overcame it.
Food for Thought
1. What childhood fears still linger in your life that prevent you from moving forward?
2. What fears have you overcome by using your imagination?
3. Do you encourage your children to use their imagination to solve problems?