Take the First Step
Clayton Jensen
Social Media & Digital Marketing Leader | Driving Brand Growth through Strategic Marketing Campaigns | Web Design, Copywriting, and Graphic Design Expert
“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” – Chauncey Depew ~ Former United States Senator
Sometimes the hardest thing in life is taking that first step.
We are so often driven by the need for comfort, that we stop moving forward. Movement is life. But how do we know if the direction of which we move is progressive?
We cannot define our success by what we attain, but by how we allow others to receive. And it is in realizing the positive impact that we make on countless others that propels us onward.
I am no longer the man I once was, and that makes me proud. And yet, fear still has its say. But when I understand that we all deal with the same insecurity, it is easier to overcome because I’m not alone.
The only thing stronger than fear is the power of the human spirit. It manifests itself in us when we look backwards so we can lead the way. The best part of hardship is that you have a choice. We can let it take us over or we can use it to propel us forward, and in doing so, spark a light for those around us.
A journey may ultimately be defined by the roads less travelled, but it never could have been actualized if not for our desire to take the first step. This does not mean weariness will be left behind, but we can outpace it.
Be great. Settle for nothing less than a life that is awe-inspiring. It is one step at a time that allows us to be clichés of our former selves.
Today is the day where you no longer settle. Today is the day that you take the first step towards who you were always meant to be.
You ready? Let’s go!