Take A Deep Breath...
I think we all need to sit back and take a deep breath. Change when it comes is always a tough pill to swallow especially when it's been prescribed by a doctor whose bedside manner is pretty deplorable. But maybe change is needed to get us back to where we were pre 9/11 living in a terrorist free USA and enjoying many strong allegiances around the world. And the country was truly respected for its achievements in commerce and science and medicine etc. Let's see if the President Elect will follow through on some of the most important issues he raised during his campaign - most importantly, National Security and as he settles into the Oval Office he will discover his bombastic unfocused often unhinged ideas will be met with more sobering advise from real politicians. I woke up very upset and very nervous but as the morning has crept along and the caffeine levels in my body have risen...I've decided to let the dust settle, and let's see who he pulls into his Cabinet and whether they can smooth some of the rougher edges of Trump's policy which has so many of us scared shitless. Have to admit one thing though. We got one hot First Lady!