Take that, corona: more humor to get us through
Mark Hurst
Founder of Creative Good, host of Techtonic, creator of Good Reports, author of "Customers Included," creator of Good Todo. Read my newsletter at creativegood.com.
I started last month with Fighting corona with humor (April 1) and now... well... happy May. Let's do this again.
Now that I'm seven weeks into lockdown, I'm up for some absurdist humor. You?
Hold it together, though. We can do this.
"I'm close to being this insane." Enya is a nice touch.
Real Aliens Be Like, an absurdist sci-fi movie in 47 seconds, by Jeff Wright. (One bit of not-for-kids language.)
60 Minutes does quarantine, in 60 seconds, by Bomanizer.
Love this brief ukelele song by the music teacher - but, uhhh, maybe don't turn the volume up too loud.
Here's a cover version of that same song, by Heebin Im.
Brilliant lip-syncs:
Definitely turn up the volume for these.
Lipsync with coffee, 12 seconds of perfection.
Classic Broadway scenes, re-enacted by Mary Neely. (Click "Show this thread" to see all her videos.)
How to medical, by Sarah Cooper, re-enacting a certain press conference. (Along the same lines, a slightly saltier lip-sync from Kylie Scott.)
Simpsons opening, re-enacted by Joel Sutherland and family. (OK, not a lip-sync, more like an action-sync. Go with it.)
Pure fun:
Fighting from a safe distance, from a stuntman school in France.
Dancing from a safe distance, by Mufasa, who hopes the video makes your day. (It just might.)
Visiting the parents (age 75 and 84) from a safe distance, by Alisa Renee'.
Covid-19 according to "The Office", edited by Taylor Rummell (note, hosted on Facebook - if this was available anywhere else, I wouldn't link to Facebook, but the video is good enough to invite you to endure Zuck's surveillance to watch it. Dump cookies afterward.)
A little dark:
In contrast to the pure fun above, here we have some... darker stuff. You've been warned.
Wearing a mask? You can still wear full-face makeup. Like a kewpie doll. (Shudder.)
Dancing in the clinic, a wry commentary on our moment.
Every Covid-19 commercial is exactly the same. This brilliant mashup asks, what's with the somber piano music in every single Covid-related commercial?
Thanks, celebrities from Greta Lee Jackson (with some not-for-kids language).
I have a one-word comment for this new Stanford innovation (warning, not exactly safe for work, also wouldn't read it while you're eating lunch or something).
Now, a reminder from management:
Star Wars during quarantine:
OK, time for a palate cleanser... from our favorite mentor:
Even villains are staying safe:
Finally, a silver lining to this whole thing:
Tech humor:
Below, sign of the times:
Even Clippy is coming back to offer some guidance.
Below, a meme that agrees with Clippy...
And two remixes of the jealous-girlfried meme:
Finally, when it's time to get off Zoom...
Until next time...
Let's make the best of May!
And reach out to Creative Good for any digital-transformation needs during this challenging moment. From user insights, to product strategy, to full-stack development - we're here.
(Get organized with Good Todo, my todo list. There's a new(ish) intro video and everything.)
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Take that, corona (more humor), from @markhurst -
-Mark Hurst. Subscribe to my email newsletter.
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