Take Control of Stress BEFORE It Takes Control of You!
By Trina Browning-Niznik, Trainer
Law Enforcement Officers, I do not pretend to have a clue what it is like to balance work stress with a spouse, children, and all the other responsibilities that go with being a well-rounded working citizen. However, I HAVE seen what happens when LEOs are over-taken by stress which has caused me to write this piece.
We all need to be reminded to de-stress our lives. For women, sometimes it is as easy as talking about it with a spouse or friend. But, most men are not wired to be “talkers”. The nature of work you do each day is enough to cause even the strongest to break IF there is no outlet for that stress. So, what CAN LEO (men and women) do to overcome stressors before they overtake them?
First, let go of the idea that you are weak if you ask for help. You are not weak! You are brave, courageous and a protector of all that is good. You make split second decisions every day that can change the course of many lives, including your own.
Second, communicate and ask for help. Tell your spouse when you need time alone or time away to just relax. Talk to your Supervisor when you need time off. You may want to consider professional help to learn strategies to help you manage stress in a positive, productive way.
Next, delegate. You DO NOT have to be EVERYTHING to EVERYONE! Allow others to do things for you. If you have children living in your home, teach them how to complete chores on your list. This not only helps you but teaches them to be a responsible, helpful part of the family (long-term effects on their self-esteem as well).
Additional suggestions:
1. Eat healthy
2. Drink lots of water (8-10, 8oz glasses per day)
3. Exercise
4. Attend regular check ups
5. Schedule down-time and vacations
6. Make friends outside of your department with “civilians”
7. Live within your financial means ( or it compounds the stress level)
Finally, whatever your religious preference, allow time to worship, meditate or pray, whatever way you may find peace. Our lives can be a storm of activity, both good and bad. Both are considered stress to the body. Recognize that you are not infallible. Know your weaknesses. Take control of the stress or it will control YOU!