Take charge of the next 90 days with a clear plan

Take charge of the next 90 days with a clear plan

Well, that's the first half of the year gone. Now's the time to get out your notebook and pen, virtual or old school, and plan your next 90 days.

I received my new six month planner last week, so it's a perfect time to update those goals, review the past six months and plan for the remainder of the year.?

Plan Your Next 90 Days

1. Review the last quarter:?

Or in this case the previous six months. Answering a few questions will help you to review and assess your progress:

  • What have you achieved so far? It's important to acknowledge your successes each month as well as any areas for improvement.
  • What worked, what didn't? Not everything goes according to plan but that's OK as long as recognise where you and what's needed.
  • What learnings or insights have you had? Do you need to do more or less of something, do you need to refocus or simplify your priorities?
  • What do you need to change, adapt or start doing?

2. Outline your priorities and objectives:

Decide on the important things you want/need to focus on for the next 90 days

  • Create your clear measurable priorities that are aligned with your goals for the year. Have you changed or adapted them as a result of the last six months?
  • Organise them into importance, significance and the time and resources you'll need to achieve them.
  • Simplify - are you trying to do too much. Do you have conflicting priorities. Pick one!


3. Create an action plan:?

Having identified your priorities, create a plan of action to take you forward, month by month, week by week.

  • Break down your priorities and objectives into step by step action with milestones for each month.
  • Schedule the time into your planner and allocate the resources you'll need.
  • What obstacles, blocks might come up in the next few months?

Does it make sense? Do you have the time to implement everything you want and have you been realistic with how much time you have.

Take into account it's holiday time, so you may have less time available.


4. Implement your plan:

At the beginning of each month, week, day, plan what you need to do and keep your 90 day plan in mind.

  • Work on your actions week-by-week.
  • Review your progress against your milestones.
  • Keep your goals and objectives in mind as you do this.
  • Adjust and adapt as you need to. Flexibility is important.


5. Accountability & Support:?

  • Build your support network and share your goals and action plan so the added accountability will keep you focused.
  • You'll also have somewhere to discuss challenges and brainstorm ideas to keep you on track.

Whether it's a colleague, mentor or coach, an online or face to face group or network, accountability can make the difference to how focused you are and how much you achieve.

>> Join me for a free 90 Day Planning Session

Monday 8th July 6pm (UK)?

Work through the 90 Day Plan, break down your projects and objectives into manageable steps and create your action plan. Free 90 Day Planning Worksheet.


If you can't make the session, book a personal 1:1 90 Day Planning session and we can go through it together.

>> Let's Talk ...

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