Take the Bull By the Horns: 5 Things You Can Do to Thrive in the Pandemic

Take the Bull By the Horns: 5 Things You Can Do to Thrive in the Pandemic

Having now been through this pandemic going on nearly 9 months there is enough data to demonstrate why some people are thriving and some people are not. As I coach business people and entrepreneurs throughout this time, I have found 5 things that anyone can do that will get you to thrive in the pandemic, but you need to take the initiative, grab the bull by the horns, and work on them daily. So get ready because here they come:

1. Get some physical exercise every day.

I don't care if you walk, do push ups, get some work out bands, go to home depot and get cinder blocks and buckets of water. We are finding that people who get some physical exercise are better able to handle stress. People are reporting they are decreasing their depression with exercise. Exercise has also been shown to decrease anger and increase the chemicals in your brain that allow us to endure more and smile easier. It not only affects your body, but does a great deal to improve your brain and brain chemistry.

2. Be a daily active participant in your mental growth.

Right now too many people are sitting watching TV. That is mental laziness, and becoming a "mental loafer'. Your brain does nothing sitting in front of a TV and therefore learning is stunted. You are being told what to think and feel rather than actively being a participant in how you want to think and feel. Get up, shut off the TV, and read a book that will help you grow personally, professionally, or both. Take up a foreign language. Take up an instrument. Take an online class on a subject that you always wanted to learn. And do it every day. Remember you have two sides to your brain a left side is the logical side, the right side is our creative side, make sure they are both getting activity. Do something to improve the mental you actively. With out daily active growth you are mentally dying and you don't even realize it.

3. Take control of your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you.

Fact, no one, no circumstance can "make" you feel something. You in fact choose how you are going to feel right now. No matter what someone says, does, or what happens there is not only one feeling there are dozens of feelings, and you get to choose it. I hear you say, "but you don't know what I've been through"...you are right, neither do you know what I have been through, but the reality is, it doesn't matter, you still choose how you are going to respond emotionally. I didn't say it was easy, but you can choose it if you wish. Quick tip: When you first get up in the morning write down 7 things you are grateful for and put in a journal. Do it everyday for 30 days it will change your outlook.

4. Find your spiritual you.

I know some of you don't believe in the spiritual. Some of you will say there is no spiritual. Well we are all spiritual. Everyday you walk in faith. Whether you acknowledge it or not. If you didn't have faith, you would have no reason to go to work or even live. We all believe that there is something more for us tomorrow, even if we don't know what it is, or what it looks like...we make plans for our future. We have dreams. We have a desire to improve believe we can be healthier, happier, smarter, stronger, in better shape even though none of those things have happened yet...it is all faith. And faith is spiritual. What is more we all have something that we believe brings us a sense of peace, contentment, a sense of centeredness in the midst of chaos. That too is spiritual. How is it working for you? If it is not working it is time to change it. Because even in the midst of a pandemic you can still be centered, you can still believe in a future, you can still have peace, and you can live contentedly. Stop neglecting the spiritual you...it is a part of you whether you believe it or not.

5. Reach out and talk to friends, and make new ones

The fact is we are only physically distant...there is no such thing as social distance. This is where we have to be intentional about reaching out and talking to others via the phone, zoom, social media, maybe at a coffee shop. The point is you need to talk and relate to others. We are social beings. As such our survival is dependent on others and our relationships. That even means making new friends. I have to tell you that one of the greatest things for me personally has been to use social media to create some new relationships that have then moved to email, phone conversations, and Zoom calls. Folks do not stop being social, just be social... differently. No excuses! You dial the number. You take the initiative. You take responsibility to make the friendship happen and keep it going. It will be worth it, not just for you but for them too. And don't just stick with your old friends, make some new ones.

If you are reading this reach out. I am always looking to add great friends. Because when this is over and it will be (that's faith by the way) let's get together in person. I look forward to it!

So, Take the bull by the horns, and you make the difference in this world! Why? Because you can.


Jay Izso, is a Maverick and CEO of Coaching Mavericks, a customized coaching service that helps people find their way by utilizing their natural talents, skills, and abilities to apply their passion to their ultimate purpose.

Seen May

We Ignite business relationship value., With a proven track record in fostering strategic partnerships and cultivating meaningful connections.

11 个月

Coach, thanks for sharing!


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