Take a breath. Now reflect.
I guess I was kind of naval gazing the other day (too much time on my hands I am thinking), and I realised how lucky I have been in my life so far. I have had amazing opportunities to know, work with and experience some of the most awesome people you could ever meet.
I have worked in and experienced exotic locations, done some crazy jobs with ridiculous risks involved, been largely self educated and collected on the way some fantastic mentors and friends.
I wish all of these would never grow old, would never be out of reach, and we could just relive all of those truly amazing times.
Sometimes we become so obsessed with what we don't have we don't take a moment to appreciate what we have achieved, lived and experienced.
I think taking chances as they present themselves no matter how scary they maybe is the key to growth and development in life. How do I know? I am the guy whose first jobs were cutting firewood with an axe, and picking up macadamia nuts under trees.
The journey is not over and I am not happy to sit on my laurels now, hell no. But don't forget where you came from. Think of what might have been your life if you hadn't made some of those key decisions. Be proud of what you have achieved and who you are.