Take a break ….. Most People don't even understand themselves... It may mean a “reset”….part 163
Remember why you are doing this.
It's going to be very hard not texting each other and not seeing each other. Maybe you will start to wonder if the other person is happier without you and forget about all the positive results that the break will have.
Think about how hard things were getting when you were together, and remember this is only going to make you a stronger person. And ultimately, it will give you a stronger relationship.
I'm sure your significant other is having just as hard of a time without you, so do not start feeling insecure and cut the break short just because you miss them. If you do, then the same problems will be there when you get back.
Sometimes, when a couple is going through a hard time and they find it difficult to leave each other, they both decide to take a break from the relationship. A break from all the responsibilities of the relationship, a break from all the fighting and arguing, a break from the commitment, a break from feeling like they need to take care of their partner.
Taking a break in a relationship does not necessarily mean a breakup. But in a lot of cases, it ends up in a breakup as one of the partner realizes the relationship is not worth saving.
When you take a break, you are putting your relationship through an ultimate test. You are trying to see what life would be like without your partner and without the relationship.
A lot of relationships, major commitments like moving in together or marriage can be daunting for one or both of the partners. If you are having cold feet, it might be a good idea to take a break from each other and figure out if this relationship is something you truly want.
Staying away from each other might help you figure out how important your partner is to you and if they are worth committing to.
On the flip side, if you are not really ready for this type of commitment or if your partner is not right for you, a break will also help clear your mind and it will give you the strength to breakup with your partner if you are sure they are not the right person for you.
There will often be times when a break will not give you a clear answer. You may feel like your partner is right for you, but you are not ready for a commitment.
If that’s the case, you can discuss your predicament with your partner and if they agree, you can both decide to take things slow instead of making a commitment right away.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …I know what some of you are thinking, “I want to take a break, but I just have so much to do and no time to do it.”
We all need breaks. Breaks from school, people, or even from clubs and organizations. If we don’t take breaks we risk exhausting ourselves, stretching ourselves too thin, and burning ourselves out on the things that matter most.
Or if you’re like me, most of your semester has been full of breaks; unproductive and too frequent, and now you’re going to use this week to stressfully catch up.
Whatever side of the spectrum we find ourselves on, it’s important that we take some time over break to do just that, break.
So over the course of this week, take a break. Spend some time with loved ones for a while, and then find some time for solitude.
That may look like taking the first couple days of thanksgiving break to nap, shop, or cook (most definitely eating).
Whatever it is that helps you rest and recuperate, do it! Yet, remember that the purpose of taking a break is not just to get right physically, but also spiritually.
Want to add word or two?
Your schoolwork, your clubs, organizations, and everything else are for a purpose that’s greater than just what is at the surface. In plain sight, all of these things look to be for great reasons and have purpose behind them.
For most of us, our break will be wonderful. It will be full of time with family and friends. However, your break is intended to get you back in the ring, to get you back in the race.
Whatever you race looks like. Your race might be nursing, or acting, or business. To make a specific impact that others can’t make.
So run your race with perseverance, make the most of it, and recognize that your time here at ECU/PCC is not just to get your degree. God has brought you here for far more than that.
Your comment ….?
Remember that your journey here is all by God and through God to give you this 4-7 year mission field and for you to gain that platform to reach people.
When you get back, it will be time to get a lot of work done (especially if you’re behind like I am). It will be a time for us to finish strong. It will be a time where we will be tempted to worry and stress.
Love what you are doing because of who it is you’re doing it for. And if you find yourself frustrated or struggling to see the point, fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfected of your faith.
If you have a special person in your life, but you find yourselves arguing, irritated and/or fighting out of the blue… you both need to try to step back and be selfless and think of the other person... with no ego of your own. No ego.
We are ALL dealing with our own tough issues. We may keep them to ourselves, but we all have struggles. If you BOTH allow yourselves to step into each others shoes- to have the awareness and respect for each others issues and struggles... that will most likely allow the love that you have for each other to shine through at its brightest.
There will be ups and downs- feelings of being under-appreciated for both. It will happen. But let that be the worst that happens. Unity through diversity.
That's the greatest love. A selfless love. It’s paradoxical, but you each would get back more than you give out. That's the love that conquers all things that’s mentioned in the Bible. It will be challenging for both of you, but well worth it.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
4 年What do you want to achieve in life? There are two things that make a person’s life fulfilling: connected, intimate relationships and meaningful, realistic goals. What is a meaningful goal? One that incorporates core values and about which you feel passion. Hell, it’s hard for most of us to take a pass on the dessert tray. Time passes by while they’re immersed in a separate world, free from physical or emotional discomfort. Problems, frustrations, irritations don’t exist. All that exists is the person getting his needs met in a way he thinks he can’t get met in any other way. The focus is entirely on him, he experiences perfect control over other “people” and his environment. Motivation and commitment to change are essential elements in the recovery process. The simplest answer to the question “When do people change?” is “When they want to.”