I often get asked the question:

How do I take bold action when I don’t feel motivated?

When all I want to do is stay in bed, watch Netflix, eat chocolate, sleep in and hope that life gets better one day?

The secret is to have a strategy to protect you from your lower inauthentic self.

I call this the ‘tie yourself to a mast’ strategy.

The ‘Sirens’, in ancient Greek legend were monsters pretending to be beautiful women with amazing voices. They would lure sailors with their enchanting singing to be shipwrecked on the rocks of their Island.

You can think of a “Siren song" as a metaphor for a bad habit, addiction or urge that is hard to resist and when followed leads to an undesired ending.

Now Odysseus was this legendary Greek King and he wanted to see the ‘Sirens’ singing. He also didn’t want to die. Funny that!

So he developed a plan to ensure he couldn't fail. He was brutally honest with himself and recognized “I will surely die if all I do is try to use my resolve or will power. I need to make sure that no matter what happens or how weak I get, it’s impossible for me to harm myself or this ship.”

Smart guy.

He got his crew to rope him to the mast and stuff his ears with wax so he couldn’t hear the Sirens beautiful singing. (Sounds similar to my wife’s strategy for when I snore.)

Following his clever strategy, he succeeded because he prepared for the worst and planned to fail. Then developed a fool proof strategy.

Now if you’re anything like me then you’re likely to hear your own version of a siren song.

Who’s tempted by visits to the fridge, for chocolate and ice cream? The urge to sleep in and miss your morning exercise? Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur distracted by bright shiny objects? or you’re overly anxious with worrying thoughts?

Then create a strategy like Odysseus. Ban chocolate and ice cream from the shopping list. Hire a personal trainer or a close friend or spouse.

 For example, my wife loves exercise so I metaphorically tie myself to her, and we go for a run or bike ride together. Using this one strategy I shed 18kg in weight last year and am fitter than when I was a teenager.

Now, this strategy isn’t just for smaller bad habits, it also applies to the big hairy audacious projects and the big bold missions you want to create.

For example, let’s say all you had to do to win a one million dollar inheritance left by a distant relative was to climb Mt Everest?

What would you do to get to the top? Assuming like me, you’ve never climbed before.

Would you attempt to do the climb on your own?

Or would you hire the very best mountain climber to kick your butt into shape, prepare you for the ordeal and then keep you on track while climbing the mountain?

You might be saying, but that’s just hypothetical?

Is it?

Is there nothing in your life not worth $1M? Something that you really, really want but have given up on achieving?

Get clear on what that one thing is, make a firm commitment and then tie yourself to a mast by sharing it with someone who will hold you accountable. Then take action.

Grant Wattie

About Grant

Coaching for personal, leadership and relationship mastery, Grant inspires greatness to create the impossible and transform relationships.

Grant has worked with royalty, a prime minister, heads of state, business owners, and thousands of individuals, couples and families across culture, religion and socio economic status.

Grant received the ‘Bernardo O’Higgins’ award, the highest honour given to a foreign dignitary by the Government of Chile. He founded the Global Women’s Leadership Summit and authored The Aroha Process, a book on transformational leadership with a second book Being Yourself on the way.

Grant enjoys competitive squash, cooking, and outdoor pursuits. Married to Christine, they have three adult children and live in the sunny Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.



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