In a time when we have never felt more powerless there is so much we can do to be powerful.   I see the CV19 as an enemy that we need to overcome, and together we will overcome it.

We do not need to feel powerless, there is so much we can proactively do to get through this, and the main thing is to be pro-active..

Here are some of things I am doing and what I am observing.


With so much negatively and fear around us, I have noticed that there is a new level of appreciation.  Friends and family are calling more, leaving the conversation with “I love you”.   Now is the time to reach out to all our love ones and friends all over the world, as we are in this together.

When on survivor and things were taken away from me, there was a heightened appreciation of everything around me.  You can feel this is happening now on a large scale.  


It is easy to criticise the government on what they are doing right and wrong and in some respects no matter what they do, they are not going to please all the people all the time. My view is that they are being advised by leaders in their field and have the benefit of seeing what other countries who are ahead of us in this fight and we can learn from what they are doing right and wrong.  They are in the best position to make the calls and I see the best course of action is to follow their advice, even if it has an adverse effect on my business and my freedom.   

Support also comes in supporting the people around us. The supermarkets will not close, so we need to not be selfish and take take take and have no care for other people. We are not a third world country, there is enough for everyone and this attitude of hording is against what Australia was built on, which is mateship.   Be kind.

Let’s support the most vulnerable in our society, and make sure that they come first in everything we do, act and say. 


If ever you should be looking after your heath, now is the time. We have an enemy and that enemy wins if you immunity system is down. 

Here are some actions that I am taking to keep my internal army as tough as possible.

·      Drink 2 litres of water a day

·      Vitamin supplements: C, D, Iron, C60, Pro Biotics

·      Foods : Fresh juices, eating as close to nature as possible, cutting out all highly processed foods and eating lots of fresh fruit and vegies.

·      Exercise : I do a minimum of one hour a day exercise, whether that be walk, yoga, swimming or hitting a ball on the local tennis course, anything to move. 

·      Emotion: I am sure we are all running the roller coaster of “it will be ok”, “omg we are in trouble”, “no we will be fine”.  You may be feeling tight in the chest of stomach. The answer is breath work.  Google : Box Breathing, get on line and do a meditation session or even a yoga session on line.   The important thing is to get your emotions and stress levels in check.  WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. IT WILL END.

·      I have stopped drinking alcohol

·      I do not smoke, and I know it is addictive and hard to give up, but if there is ever a time to stop smoking it is now.



There will be good that comes from adversity.

You may not feel it now, but there will be positives coming form this.  China gets to see a blue sky, Venice cannals has fish returning, we are closer to our love ones than ever before.   This virus from what I understand came from the Live Wet Markets in China that is one of the cruellest ways of treating animals, maybe there is also a message in that, and maybe we can become kinder to all creatures.


Even in this time, find joy and gratitude in the day, what ever that is for you.   When I was in Survivor and there were many miserable times, I made sure everyday I found joy somewhere (have to admit, some days it was hard). It is your mindset that changes and if your mindset is positive and strong your will be positive and strong.


There is no questions unemployment and stress will increase, but know that it will be short lived and all going well this time next year we would be in recovery mode and there will be more opportunity around that you ever thought possible.


I wish everyone reading this the best of luck through this time, but we will come through this better, and stronger.






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