It's not compulsory you follow laid down principles that lead to your destination you can create what works for you.?
There are different approaches to achieving success and this means you can dab into the one that works perfectly for you. You do not have to copy Mr. A or Miss Q.?
I'm reminded of a popular saying, "little drops of water make a mighty ocean." It can be relatable to take one step at a time without getting choked and feeling depressed.?
It is okay if you are moving slowly but it's not okay if you ain't making any move to develop yourself. It's okay to be helped but it's not okay if you are always on the verge of looking out for someone who would help you, you only can help 'Yourself'.?
It's okay to rest for a while if you feel tired but it's not okay if you finally decided to rest for a long time or you stop. It's okay to seek counsel but it's not ideal if you are always living on people's perceptions about life.?
You are not a baby because you are taking baby steps neither are you childish.?
Understand yourself and discover your unique self. If you know running or walking is quite difficult for you why don't you consider crawling but do not remain on that level??
Taking baby steps means you are taking one step at a time. It means a very small or advance in progress.
Have you seen a baby that crawls to get an object or move to a certain place or change position??
Do you know how resilient they are??
They don't mind falling 100 times and funnily enough, they won't want you to hold their hands ??.?
Who knows if their inner mind is saying I must get this done, no no this can't stop me ??.
Relating it to progress, when you begin a business or a skill there is a tendency for doubt to set it because you don't know if it would be profitable to you or you'd run at loss. Don't feel bad if you feel that way it's normal. But don't dwell on that too long open your mind or heart to see every possibility.
Fine, you might compare yourself to those who have gone before you but do you know they started taking baby steps before they were bold enough to take gigantic steps??
Do you know they were once like you? So shun every comparison and focus on you.?
The happiest and most successful people will tell you that they have achieved their level of life and work success by taking small steps and making one positive choice after another.
So put that full energy to run past the level you are at.?
Don't be intimated it's okay you focus on taking baby steps at first and I understand it is quite challenging but be consistent.?
Celebrate small wins regardless. Just work towards one small win at a time and make sure you celebrate each achievement in some small way—a little success goes a long way in propelling us to the finish line.?
Feel at peace with yourself and don't be too anxious.?
Stop bending down to rules or principles (don't be a copycat ??) that do not work for you! Everything will work out at the right time.