Take ALL Vacation: FR!
Dr Rochelle Parks-Yancy
Professor of Human Resources; Resume Writer-Slayer; Career Coach; Books' Author; Workshop Leader; Content Creator/Editor; I Am MY #1 Brand; Career Bad-ssery Expert
2 or 3 years ago, I posted that unlimited vacay was primarily a COST SAVINGS for employers, WAY MORE than being beneficial to employees compared to specified vacation days. I said it was a bait and switch to attract talent and, more importantly, lower personnel costs.
Americans, on average, take LESS vacation than they can. Those unused vacation days are MONEY that's owed to the employee.
Enter "unlimited" vacation. By removing allotted vacation days:
a. Whether you take 1 day off or 10 days off, your employer owes you NOTHING.
b. If your job involves computer/phone work, Americans usually still work when on vacation. Guess what? Checking work emails/messages/etc. counts as work. aka FREE LABOR for employers.
I said all this 2-3 years ago.
Last week (August 14) on Bloomberg:
"Companies That Offer Unlimited Vacations Will Outperform S&P 500, Investors Say-Most people don’t use all the?time off?that their employers offer, and they’re checking their?email?anyway."
"[Unlimited vacation] has become more common among employers over the last several years, it sidesteps administrative headaches and slashes costs.
“If I’m the CFO, I'm loving this. This is a big money saver for me."
Never get it confused that you (employees) are much more than a cost to be cut, if needed. You may like your job. But you are NOT their job. YOU are your #1 job. Stay true and loyal to that.
And take that vacation. FR.
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