Take advantage of the new Spare Parts INITIATIVE
Today I want to focus on a very important aspect in plastic extrusion processes.
In my opinion, this is a fundamental issue which, however – I regret to say – is often underestimated. I’m talking about spare parts management. The paradigms of Industry 4.0 have contributed to giving greater visibility and importance to concepts such as routine, special, preventive and predictive maintenance. But this does not mean that in the industrial plants, and in our case in the extrusion plants, the dreaded “downtime” will never occur again.
When a component needs to be replaced, there is a “problem”.
Many players on the market are sensitive to the control of spare parts. But mainly from a financial point of view, so they try to minimise the costs of storing the parts by reducing the stocks of parts available in the warehouse. But then when downtime occurs, the negative consequences for the customer caused by this type of management are serious.
How long do you wait on average to receive a spare part?
Have you ever calculated how much it costs you - in terms of underutilised labour and in lost or delayed revenues - to have an extruder stopped while waiting for a spare part?
Here’s how we manage spare parts at Bausano -> https://www.bausano.com/nurture/en/lp-en-spare-parts-dem-browser.html
Each original Bausano Part fulfils strict construction specifications, intensive controls and complete testing. This guarantees meeting the highest quality standards, it ensures extreme longevity and, therefore, also the exceptional cost to value ratio.
By ordering PARTS TODAY for your MD series Twin Screw extruder, Bausano will offer the technician’s operation to replace the purchased parts and perform a complete check-up of the machine, at no extra cost. Technical intervention for the replacement of spare parts for a maximun of 3 days – travel included.
Do you want to feel safe with a supplier that guarantees the highest levels of extruder productivity? CLICK HERE: https://www.bausano.com/nurture/en/lp-en-spare-parts.html